Jul 30, 2009

Mama likes

Yep, I've been slacking on Mama likes and Super Mom in Training . . .
Spank me, I deserve it.

Here's some of my FAVORITES from this past week :

I love me some BLOG BABY!
and BabyMama aint so bad herself
Check out this post about blogging ettiquette
(ahem....and don't forget to comment cuz that's really cool and stuff, remember?)

Are you a lurker? Haus of Girls is calling you out!
Come on, it's fun.

Little Bites of Heaven (schiranotriplets) needs to know IF SHE IS READY. Check her blog for more details.

Grace Violet says you can make a ruffle skirt from a dishtowel? NUH-UH

LOVE LOVE LOVIN' these messy headbands from Joy's Hope.
She also has a fantabulous blog, check it out.

Featured Followers :
Candice from What can I say, this is me
The Allen Family

Great Twittering Tweeters

I can't let you leave without sharing this LIKE TOTALLY FUNNY site.
I was twittering with some pals last night over this.
I laughed and let out a few snorts too . . .
Hunky Hubby thought I was crazy!
Awkward Family Photos

Jul 29, 2009

140 characters is just not enough


trendytykes just ate cheese puffs (Not the whole bag....just half) I also ate a Snickers candybar. I feel guilty. Those were my kids cheese puffs : (

I thought I would start doing all of my blog posts in "Twitter" form.
What do you think?
IMA LAZY like that.


Your Thoughts. . .
Has Twitter killed the BLOG?
Are people too busy now days to stop and read more than 140 characters?
Between twitter, facebook, myspace, message boards and forums are you just wiped out?
Gosh, I hope not!
I will admit that I am ADDICTED to twitter but I am also a big time blog writer, reader and supporter.
I like to think of Twitter as my "casual chatting" place.
My blog is a little more personal.

What do you think?
How do you see Twitter?
Is it the NEW blog?

A picture is worth a 1000 words....really it is

round 1

round 2

round 3

and the winner is . . .
Don't pay any attention to the MESSY garage.
That's worth another 4000 words.


Jul 28, 2009

ever feel like saying




I've obviously been around kids TOO LONG.

I could also stick my tongue out and roll my eyes.
oh wait, I already do that

Mcklinky blog hoppin' time

It's Tuesday.....Time for another blog hop!
This week's theme is "Favorite Kid Photo". Here's mine from this past week . . .

How to ride a lawnmower (TRENDY TYKES STYLE)
*with a little help from Paw Paw*

uh huh
and apparently you are supposed to throw up peace signs (cuz that's cool and all)
Or maybe that's a gang sign? In that case.....it's tough and stuff.
Oh, and you can call me big BAD momma.

Jul 27, 2009

I'm praying

I don't even know what to say . . .

Mckmama's lil Stellan is back in the hospital.


Prayers for Stellan

Jul 25, 2009

I'm an AUNT ! ! !

Woo hooo......

8 weeks early
both mom and baby are fine
born this morning @ 7:50am (The day of her baby shower)
Ummm, OOPS! lol

I am getting ready to go see them and CAN'T WAIT!
-more details and pics coming soon-

P to the S : All comments are moderated (Darn spam) so if you leave one on any post and can't see it, DON'T FRET! I will get to them when I return later this evening.

Jul 24, 2009

Blog Hop '09


Hello to everyone stopping by from the BLOG HOP '09!
I am so glad that you decided to visit.
I am Linda, a super mom in training.
I blog about my crazy and hectic life with 3 kiddos.
AND IT CAN GET C-RAZY around here
Ahem . . .
JUST PLAIN GONE....insane that is

I also like to spread the LOVE.
I feature my pals a lot.
I also host giveaways, on occasion.

Oh, and how could I forget about Hunky Hubby. We like to go on HAWT dates every year or so.
I document those too!

Anyway, take a looksie around.
Come back real soon.

Do I really have to claim them today????

My children just chased down the dude with robot legs.
Yes, all 3 of them.
*And that dude is still too fast on those things for me to snap a pic*
Yes, I try . . .
Yes, I am always hiding inside when I attempt these photos.
I think he always runs a little faster when he gets to our house.

Crazy Kids chasing him and yelling "MOMMA, the dude with robot legs is out here again."

Jul 23, 2009

babysisterdesign GIVEAWAY !

This giveaway is now closed.

(I had to choose a new winner since we did not hear back from the original winner.)
Congrats Mc's Mommy !

You are the winner!!
Mc's Mommy said...
I faved you on technorati! fefemarie09

Moms ROCK!
Plain and Simple
Mom-owned businesses are DA-BOMB Diggity, YO.

Here's another to add to my ever-growing favorites list :

(from the designer, Danielle)
What happens when you cross...a sewing mom with a fabric obsession
and a little boy who refuses to call his younger sibling by her real name?
Why, babysisterdesign, of course!
I love it.
You can find such designs as this

first corsage tee

treasure purse
and even this
Cute stuff, huh?
Would you like to own some of your own babysisterdesign creations?
Danielle has offered up a $30 gift certificate to use in her shop.

All you have to do is visit babysisterdesign on etsy.
Browse around.
Come back here and tell me what your favorite item is.
It's that easy.

Extra Entries (of course)
one extra entry for following me on twitter & tweeting this giveaway
two extra entries for adding my blog to Technorati favorites
Add to Technorati Favorites
(let me know if you do this one and I will favorite your site too!)
three extra entries for adding my banner or blog link to your sidebar
(code is on the left sidebar, TOP)
five extra entries for blogging about this giveaway
*be sure to leave a comment with the proper linkage for each extra entry*

Giveaway will end on Thursday, July 30 and a winner will be announced.

Jul 22, 2009

Wordless (yeah right) Wednesday

We made a little impromptu visit to the lake this past weekend. (Sardis Lake)
I remember going MANY times as a youngster but this was my kiddos first visit.
Sad since we only live 30 mins away . . .
They thought it was a real treat!
I love how my kids enjoy the "simple things".
Sometimes I wish that there were no computers, cellphones, nintendo wii's . . .
Things used to be SIMPLE.
I didn't have those distractions as a child and I turned out alright.
Didn't I?
Ok, don't answer that.
Anyhoo . . .
My kids enjoyed watching the boats, climbing on the rocks and enjoying the fresh air.
They even enjoyed the fishy smelling water as it misted us from the spillway.
It's good to turn the computer off for a day and make memories!

Jul 21, 2009

jaw dropped to the FLOOR, y'all !

I told y'all that this blogging gig was gonna make me famous someday but I didn't know it would be this soon.
WOO to the HOO ! !
Lisa Marie Prestley emailed me today.
I know, I couldn't believe it either.
Oh, what's that?
You don't believe me?
Michael Jackson the king of pop music born 29 August 1958, died 25 June
2009, I Lisa Marie Presley got married to Michael on 18 May 1994 the
marriage lasted till 18 January 1966, despite we got divorce indeed.
Sincerely we still love each other. Two days before Michael died he
provides me with $15,000,000:00 to construct a charity home in Nigeria.

Presently in Nigeria after some days Michael housekeeper left a message on
my answering machine “Hello Lisa, Michael is died he was drug with
overdose of Diprevan, a powerful painkiller Michael death was plan by his
relatives, I have no one else to trust I have sent you the evidence I
recorded in a tap, my life is in danger” suddenly I heard gunshot
without doubt the housekeeper was the victim.
I could not believe what my

ears where hearing immediately I browse through the internet with my iphone it was boldly written on CNN website that Michael Jackson has been confirmed dead.
I played the tap I saw that Michael was injected with overdose of
Diprevan, a powerful painkiller which leads to is death, Michael death was
plan by his relative and our lawyer. According to the news the autopsy is correct about Michael death.

For security reason; the evidence tap and the money Michael give to me
regarding the construction company building the charity home in Nigeria, I
deposited it with a security company in Nigeria. Both baggages contain the evidence tap and $15,000,000 cash.

I’m writing you from ULTH hospital I have been in coma for some few past
days; I was shot twice in my stomach on my way going to the airport, I
believe that same people how killed Michael are also trying to kill me
because they most have known that I have the evidence of Michael death.
I need your assistance desperately not just for the moment but to make
history by letting the world know the truth of Michael Jackson death, or
we can just sit back to enjoying CNN broadcasting false news about Michael
Due to my ill status I want the security company to deliver my

baggages to you, where you will find the evidence tap and $15,000,000:00
cash. Get back to me with the below information to know how confident you
are; Name….; Address……; Country…….; phone #......;

Lisa Marie Presley

Dooce is gonna be so jealous!

(and how cool is it that Lisa Marie Presley has a GMAIL account?)
She's cheap like the rest of us.
She also had very terrible grammar but I will overlook that.
Off to email her back . . .
I can't wait to hear from her!

PamperingBeki handstamped necklace giveaway

~Giveaway is now CLOSED~
Winning entry :

mom2anutball said...
I have your button! http://mom2anutball.blogspot.com/

Congrats! I just sent you an email.
Also, thanks to everyone that entered this giveaway!

Since I went all DOT COM on ya, I thought I would offer up some special treats too!
Today I want to introduce you to my pal Beki.
Everyone say Hi Beki !!
*You can do that over at her blog, PamperingBeki.
Beki and I go way back....
We used to sell our creations on a little site called ebay.
Ever heard of it?
You can find Beki rambling on about her three beautiful kiddos. She likes to tell us that one of them is pretty bad. I just think he is a little misunderstood. What do you think?
Beki also enjoys photography.
I mean just look at this photo.
It just screams . . .
(You will also notice that we share the same corny sense of humor.)
Blogging, Photography, Chasing after the BAD ONE . . . .
Seems like there was something else that I was going to mention.
Oh yeah, she also makes jewelry.
and swanky brooches/hair flowers too!

I own some PamperingBeki jewels and so should YOU!
Etsy Shop-PamperingBeki

I begged and pleaded with Beki to offer up a TREAT for one special blog reader.
She agreed!
She's a cool cat, huh?
Wanna win this:
hand stamped "Blessed" necklace

All you have to do is visit Beki's etsy shop, browse around.....
Come back HERE and let me know which is your favorite item.

Extra Entries (of course)
one extra entry for following me on twitter & tweeting this giveaway
two extra entries for adding my blog to Technorati favorites
Add to Technorati Favorites
(let me know if you do this one and I will favorite your site too!)
three extra entries for adding my banner or blog link to your sidebar
(code is on the left sidebar, TOP)
five extra entries for blogging about this giveaway
*be sure to leave a comment with the proper linkage for each extra entry*
--This giveaway will end on Tuesday, July 28th.--

Don't forget to visit Beki's blog and leave her some comment LOVE!

Jul 20, 2009

A HAWT date

And you have to say it like that . . . H------AWT!

So, hunky hubby and I went on a HAWT date this past weekend.

Finger lickin' fried chicken and a Pepsi.
A pepsi with 2 straws cuz we are romantic like that!
We even shared a napkin.
Nothing says LOVIN' like greasy fingers, ya know?

That's how we roll, peeps.

After we finished our "fancy fixin's" (really Red Lobster but I like chicken too) we were riding around with that blank stare on our face.
What do we do now??
Bellies full.
No Kids.
What do we do?
What do we do?
A movie?
NAH, momma doesn't like wearing those ugly shoes PLUS other people have had their feet in them... PLUS I stink at bowling. I am much better at Wii bowling.
We drove around some more then decided to stop off at Target.
Target is very romantic, ya know?
Those dollar bins? MEOW BABY!

We started getting all hot and bothered looking at cat food so we grabbed a bag, checked out and were on our way.

What to do now?
We went and picked up the kids, came home and pulled a few weeds out of the garden.
It was the HAWT-est date that I have been on in quiet some time and we even plan to do it again (around Christmas time.)

In all seriousness, my hubby has been on vacation all week and I have enjoyed spending time with him each and every day. Heck, he even spilled tea on my carpet last night and I couldn't get upset. It's been a great week!
AND YES, my hubby would probably sit in the hot car and eat greasy fried chicken if it made me happy.
Hubby, if you are reading this then please pick up some chicken on your way home tonight.
We can sit outside and eat it together.
Plus----momma doesn't feel like cooking.

Jamie Lynn.....COME ON DOWN!

You are a WINNER ! ! !
Remember this giveaway?
You won, girlfriend.
Jamie Lynn said...
I love the waffle headbands!
To cute and I like the ladybug clips! Thanks for a chance to win!!!


Sorry for the delay. The aliens kept me a little longer than I expected.

Jul 17, 2009

I've been abducted

By aliens.....
:cue x files music now:

but they are going to release me soon.

I think I annoy them.
hmph . . .

(chat tomorrow?)

Jul 15, 2009

It's Gummi Worm day

and here's how we are celebrating :

Yummy dirt cups

You need :
2 cups of milk
1 box of Jello Pudding (chocolate, of course)
8 oz cool whip
oreo cookies
OR if you are cheap like me the other black cookies with cream filling
It's all good, baby!

Here's what ya do :
Make the pudding (I will let you figure that one out.)

stir in the cool whip
crush up
some of the cookies and stir those in too!
some more crushed up cookies and place them in the bottom of your cup
(we used fancy polka dotted glasses....cuz we are just fancy like that)
add a little of the pudding mixture
then take
some more crushed up cookies and put them on top
now add some of those cute lil gummi worms
*you can also share with a friend OR EVEN A KID or THREE....ya know, if you're in a sharing kind of mood.
If not . . .

Well, you are amongst the same kind of company.

am sharing today.
I mean, since it's a holiday and all.

Happy Gummi Worm Day!

Jul 14, 2009

3 Things you did not know about me (Blog Hop)


It's blog hoppin' time again !
Here's 3 things that you did not already know about me :

1. I can't stand to talk on the telephone. I would much rather text, im or email. Sometimes I don't even answer the phone when it rings. Bad? Oh, and when telemarkers used to call our home phone sometimes I would bang pots and pans right in the earpiece. I've also put the phone up to my kids whining voices.

2. I have never flown on an airplane. (Can you say SCAREDY CAT?)

3. I have never and will N-EVER get a pedicure. I don't won't anyone touching my feet, staring at my feet or smelling my feet. I hate all things FEET! Heck, I won't even eat Parmesan cheese because it reminds me of stinky feet.

have mustache .....must work


For the past few days, I have noticed bits of shaving gel in the sink. SOMEONE (I won't name any names.....LIL MAN) likes to get in there and "mess" with stuff. Stuff like the shaving gels, the hair gels, lotion, MY EYELINER, perfume . . .you get the point, right?
I am not sure what his deal is. He never got into these types of things when he was younger so I can only assume that he is making up for lost time???
Heck, I dunno.

Anyhoo, back to the shaving gel . . .
Like I said before, he has been getting into this stuff and I just assumed that was the case with the gel.
I cleaned the sink and went on with my business.
*Ya know, sitting here on the couch eating bon bons and watching Young & The Restless*
You think I am kidding?
Here comes the PRINCESS crying . . .
I put down the bon bon and asked her what was wrong.
She pointed to her lip as it was bleeding.
She was screaming hysterically
(I mean like she had been sliced and diced with oh.....I dunno.....A RAZOR.)
What happened???
Princess : "I was shaving and cut myself."
Me: " Oh Princess, You really must be careful when shaving your beard."
Ok, more like : "WHAT?!" "SHAVING?!"
Princess : "Lil Man told me to."
Lil Man walks in (with his shirt off, so I only assume he was shaving his chest hair at the time.)
I ask him what the deal was.
He says :
"I was shaving and she wanted to shave too."
Of course, I gave them the speech.
Ya know, the speech you give all 4 and 6 year olds when they are shaving their beards, mustaches and chest.
We were getting ready for bed last night and I was discussing the whole shaving incident with Princess. She was curious.
She wanted to know if she would get a mustache if she kept shaving.
I told her the truth, of course.
I said YES and you will look like the bearded woman at the circus.
She seemed to be ok with that part.
However, she did ask :
"Momma, if I get a mustache....Will I have to go to work?"
Me: "Yes, Honey."
Problem solved.
She will NOT be shaving anymore.


My name finally became available so I snatched it up today!
I have only been waiting for two years.

Can y'all do me a favor, please?
Update my banner/ link if you have it up.
The new one is http://www.mytrendytykes.com

I am also having a party next week. (Kind of last minute and all)
It's to celebrate going dot com (I'm a big girl now).
I have some giveaways for you too!

Ooops Boops !

Uh Yeah . . .
I forgot to pull a "FOLLOWER" to win this month's prize pack.Align CenterI'm only 14 days late. That's not TOO bad, is it??
I really must figure out an easier way to choose winners.
This one was chosen by THE PRINCESS.
I made her look at all your pics and choose.
She chose :
Polka Dot Moon
reason: She liked the moon.

Congrats Denise!

You won this

eenamaria handbag

with some of this

(maybelline pulse perfection mascara)

Another winner will be chosen August 1st or 14th (eh, you know how it is.)
All you have to do is "follow" my blog.
You can do it by google friend connect (That box under my profile)
or by following me under your own blog's settings.
*Whatever floats yer boat*

Jul 11, 2009



How come I always find stuff like this AFTER THE HOLIDAY ??
I might just have to make them anway....
We could use a little POP every now and again, right?
Pop Rocks sugar cookies from CakeSpy

Spread the Loooooove (smooches)

Ay Yi Yi
This cold is really kicking my BOOT-AY.
I have missed commenting on several (ok a little more than several) blogs this week.
Will you forgive me, my PEEPS??
*that's me batting my eyelashes :snicker:
Anyhoo.... It's LINKY LOVE TIME!!
Ch-Ch-Check out what some of my pals have been up to this week.

The Un-Organized Mom opened up an etsy shoppe, y'all!
Tootie Fruity Boutique
CUTE rag quilts....C-UUUTE
She's hosting a grand opening giveaway on her blog. Be sure to enter!

Awww! Check out these Bella-isms from Creative Momma.
Kids can be so cute.

Are you a Big Brother fan like ME?
Head over to Big Brother Fanatics. It's a neat-o lil blog for super fans.
My pal from Keeping Up with the Schultz Family is one of the contributers.


Ready for more cuteness?
Sarah from When two becomes three posted this video of her sweetie pie.
Jump Jump!

And what's LOVE without Sweet Treats?
Grace Violet posted a recipe for sume yummy Oreo Bon Bons.


Spread the Love, YO!

Keeping 'em trendy #2

Trendy Finds for the week . . .

LOVE this site : Knuckleheads
You must check out everything they have!

fabric flower belt and hairband from fizzy vintage on etsy

pretty in posies Little Red Riding Hood ponytail holder from Little Butterfly Kiss

trendy tees from Tailored Tadpole

Inky Dink Papa Old Skool shirt from Divas & Rockstars

Jul 9, 2009

Ladybugs and Lullabies hairbow giveaway


Ya know what I love?
I love itty bitty pigtails.
I love itty bitty sprigs of hair on top of the head (Pebbles style).
Know what makes it even better though?
Cute hair clips or bows attached on top.
It's like the cherry on top of a cupcake!
Ladybugs and Lullabies has some UBER cute hair clips and hairbows for your lil sweetie pie.
I had a hard time choosing favorites for this feature.
I mean ....
Just look at this one :

and this one

and we can't forget about these
(I love candy corn!)

A little about Ladybugs and Lullabies:

How would you like to win some cute clips and hair accessories for your lil one?
Ladybugs and Lullabies has generously offered a $25 gift package to one lucky momma.
This gift package will include an assortment of hair clips, hip clips and headbands.
All you have to do is visit their website.
Browse around and then come back here and let me know which clip is your favorite.

**Don't forget to check out their bow holders too!

Giveaway will end on Thursday, July 16th and the winner will be announced here on the blog.

He loves me FULL SIZE not FUN SIZE

Hunky Hubby loves me FULL SIZE not FUN SIZE!

hubba hubba . . .
makes my heart go pitter patter

How much does YOUR hubby love YOU, huh????

Jul 8, 2009

Bedtime with Elmo DVD winners announced

Check it out . . .
If your name/profile is below then you are one of the lucky Bedtime with Elmo dvd winners!
(emails being sent your way unless I don't have that info. In that case, please send me your mailing info asap. My email addy is over there on the left sidebar.)

Routine helps==snack, teeth, short tv show, story then bed

Jenn said...
Yes I have a reunite that works. Bath, snuggling up for story time, brushing teeth and then bed. That is how it went "most" of the time with my girls and now that is how it goes with my granddaughter, who would LOVE this dvd.

The Fenwick Family said...
I thought I would jump in on the fun. This is how bedtime goes for our boys!!
Hygiene check for them. My oldest picks out the movie,while my youngest is getting his blue blankey and milk. Then it is prayer time and then to all a "Love you and Goodnight". That is pretty much it!!:) Now when our newest addition Maiya enters our family,this bedtime story will probally change.......LOL

Mama Likes

Did I totally skip this last week?

Family Tree magnet board from Heartland blog

I Spy books from Brassy Apple

lovin' this post from Nanny Deprived : Mediocre Mom

and this one from Blog Baby (makes my heart happy!)


And I know that it's too late to make this for 4th of July but it would be awesome on Labor Day too!
4th of July cookie-cake from Plum Pudding

Mama likes all of these!!
Mama likes YOU, my pals!
(spread the love)

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