Jul 14, 2009

3 Things you did not know about me (Blog Hop)


It's blog hoppin' time again !
Here's 3 things that you did not already know about me :

1. I can't stand to talk on the telephone. I would much rather text, im or email. Sometimes I don't even answer the phone when it rings. Bad? Oh, and when telemarkers used to call our home phone sometimes I would bang pots and pans right in the earpiece. I've also put the phone up to my kids whining voices.

2. I have never flown on an airplane. (Can you say SCAREDY CAT?)

3. I have never and will N-EVER get a pedicure. I don't won't anyone touching my feet, staring at my feet or smelling my feet. I hate all things FEET! Heck, I won't even eat Parmesan cheese because it reminds me of stinky feet.


Amy on July 14, 2009 at 2:54 PM said...

That is so funny. I a pedicure is a lot of fun. I will go with you and hold your hand..

Brandi on July 14, 2009 at 3:02 PM said...

I am right with you I hate to talk on the phone and I have never flown but I love pedicures.

Unknown on July 14, 2009 at 6:28 PM said...

I hate talking on the phone, too! It drives me freaking insane. Especially when people just call to talk...like there really wasn't any important reason to call...they just want to chat.

Email me, facebook me, text me...whatever. Just don't call! :)

I love to fly and I love pedis, though :) Fly down here to the coast and I'll take you to a great pedi place :)

mosaicmama on July 14, 2009 at 6:32 PM said...

i didn't even think of that first one. i despise the phone and dodge phone calls, even from friends! i also cried for the first six hours of a 15 hour flight to the phillipines. and i wish i could convince you otherwise of pedicures, they are amazing. you can bring your own tools so everything is new and just for you!

Alesha @ Full Time Mama on July 14, 2009 at 6:35 PM said...

Oh man, a pedicure is a total treat for me! Do you pain your own toes?

Polka Dot Moon on July 14, 2009 at 7:31 PM said...

Such a hassle to fly these days anyway........phones of all kind drive me crazy. I avoid them too, but gotta say I'm not a "feet" person either, but nothing feels better than a pedi!

Brenda on July 15, 2009 at 1:21 AM said...

Returning the visit via the bloghop! I don't like to talk on the phone that much either! As a former esthetician, I know there are people just like you out there! I've never done a pedicure on anyone who absolutely hated to have their feet touched but I can totally understand!

Nice to meet you! Happy blog hopping!!

Brenda aka CharmingBetties

Jennie on July 15, 2009 at 9:24 AM said...

Thanks for stopping by yesterday - I love meeting new folks :)

Lookin' forward to keepin' up with ya!

Anonymous said...

so funny about the parmesan cheese. My kids and I only call it "stinky feet cheese". I thought I was the only one. Silly. Just found your blog. Love it!


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