Wow, I had a lot going on in 2009.
well, not that much
Since everyone else was doing those YEAR IN REVIEW posts....
I figured I would follow.
So here ya go :
My year in blog posts
How on earth will I top all of this?
Can I get even crazier?
Stay tuned!

I asked a lot of questions in 2009 like this one
Breastfeeding, How old is too old?
My kids said some pretty crazy stuff.
Ahhh.... Good Ole Smelly Mud
They also tried to play with my big straws aka tampons. I didn't let that happen though.
Actually, they are pretty darn embarrassing. Where on earth do they get this?
I found out that THIS STUFF does not work.
I told everyone where babies come from.
I took a moment of silence for lost socks EVERYWHERE.
I vowed never to give up my goal of becoming THE SUPER MOM. (although I am slacking a little)
I confessed a lot.
Slayed some snakes...
Pondered this whole blogging thing
Told ya how greedy I was....
Ate some comments or candybars or something like that . . . (BURP)
Talked about toots : A LOT!
and I mean A LOT . . .
I always kept it real with you guys. ALWAYS!
Introduced you to Robot Legs.
Hunky Hubby loves me long time and Full Size not Fun Size too.
We had some pretty HAWT dates.
I tore a page out of his book.
Lisa Marie Prestley emailed me. (probably sometime after all my lottery winnings)
I did a lot of blogging from the bathroom.
I became infatuated with the nerds.
Ate some bon bons and watched a lot of soaps
Sued some mommy bloggers
Offended some toes
also offended Granny Goodtimes
I also made fun of the KISSY FACE.
My cat hijacked the blog.
oooooh....We can't forget about Stanley! (Poor Stanley) Darn pushy PR rep
This is about the time that I became known as Luwanda, Gracie Lou and FRANK.
My lips may lie but my HIPS NEVER DO!
I got a little lesson on POOOOOP.
I told ya how I pretend to talk on the cell phone to make myself look cool.
I became a pilgrim.....a high heel wearing pilgrim.
Twitter annoyed me but not as much as facebook (GAG).
Mourned my tatas . . .
Let's not forget my love for the lady with the perfect kids
Rats were all the rage, Y'all.
I tried to introduce my family to the BIG ROUND THING.
I became a Snuggie owner.
Santa didn't listen and I blamed Bobby Flay.
Frosty became a pimp.
pondered on toilet paper....and how much does it take to wipe and elephant's butt
I even threatened the inventor of Twisty Ties.
Tasered some dogs (almost)
Happy New Year, Y'all.
I vow to use more of these !!!! and a WHOLE BUNCH of these . . . . .
I also vow to not swallow as much bubblegum this year as I did in 2009

ooooh and . . .
I vow that I will clean up less hair balls.
Eh, who am I kidding.
That's the kids job.
well, not that much
Since everyone else was doing those YEAR IN REVIEW posts....
I figured I would follow.
So here ya go :
My year in blog posts
How on earth will I top all of this?
Can I get even crazier?
Stay tuned!
I asked a lot of questions in 2009 like this one
Breastfeeding, How old is too old?
My kids said some pretty crazy stuff.
Ahhh.... Good Ole Smelly Mud
They also tried to play with my big straws aka tampons. I didn't let that happen though.
Actually, they are pretty darn embarrassing. Where on earth do they get this?
I found out that THIS STUFF does not work.
I told everyone where babies come from.
I took a moment of silence for lost socks EVERYWHERE.
I vowed never to give up my goal of becoming THE SUPER MOM. (although I am slacking a little)
I confessed a lot.
Slayed some snakes...
Pondered this whole blogging thing
Told ya how greedy I was....
Ate some comments or candybars or something like that . . . (BURP)
Talked about toots : A LOT!
and I mean A LOT . . .
I always kept it real with you guys. ALWAYS!
Introduced you to Robot Legs.
Hunky Hubby loves me long time and Full Size not Fun Size too.
We had some pretty HAWT dates.
I tore a page out of his book.
Lisa Marie Prestley emailed me. (probably sometime after all my lottery winnings)
I did a lot of blogging from the bathroom.
I became infatuated with the nerds.
Ate some bon bons and watched a lot of soaps
Sued some mommy bloggers
Offended some toes
also offended Granny Goodtimes
I also made fun of the KISSY FACE.
My cat hijacked the blog.
oooooh....We can't forget about Stanley! (Poor Stanley) Darn pushy PR rep
This is about the time that I became known as Luwanda, Gracie Lou and FRANK.
My lips may lie but my HIPS NEVER DO!
I got a little lesson on POOOOOP.
I told ya how I pretend to talk on the cell phone to make myself look cool.
I became a pilgrim.....a high heel wearing pilgrim.
Twitter annoyed me but not as much as facebook (GAG).
Mourned my tatas . . .
Let's not forget my love for the lady with the perfect kids
Rats were all the rage, Y'all.
I tried to introduce my family to the BIG ROUND THING.
I became a Snuggie owner.
Santa didn't listen and I blamed Bobby Flay.
Frosty became a pimp.
pondered on toilet paper....and how much does it take to wipe and elephant's butt
I even threatened the inventor of Twisty Ties.
Tasered some dogs (almost)
Happy New Year, Y'all.
I vow to use more of these !!!! and a WHOLE BUNCH of these . . . . .
I also vow to not swallow as much bubblegum this year as I did in 2009
ooooh and . . .
I vow that I will clean up less hair balls.
Eh, who am I kidding.
That's the kids job.