It's not what YOU THINK.
Confession Time: Sometimes I tell the family that I am going to the ahem "ladies room" to ....
well you know
When really I am going in there to hide.
to relax
to think
to dream
TO BLOG or surf the internet
I lock the door and just sit there.
Well, today I am doing that.
This post is coming LIVE from my bathroom.
You see, there are 8 kids in the other part of the house.
(Only 3 are my own)
I have been babysitting them for two weeks now.
I need a break.
They are driving me NUTS.
So, here I am . . .
The cat just left the door.
She scratched, then meowed and then she stuck one of her paws underneath the door.
She knows where I hide.
She tries to hide too.
I can't blame her.
I just skimmed through my new Betty Crocker Cookies & Bars magazine.
(lots of yummy cookies to look at)
Yep, I looked at and thought of FOOD in the Bathroom.
That has to be wrong in so many ways, right?
Oh well.
I've also been sitting here staring at one empty toilet paper roll.
Don't worry . . .
There's a full roll on top of the empty one though.
Someone was just too lazy to swap them.
Oh well.
I just heard a kid.
It was the princess.
She is calling me.
She came to the door.
I did not make a sound.
Maybe she will go away?
Oh well.
I am not coming out.
It's not what YOU THINK.
Confession Time: Sometimes I tell the family that I am going to the ahem "ladies room" to ....
well you know
When really I am going in there to hide.
to relax
to think
to dream
TO BLOG or surf the internet
I lock the door and just sit there.
Well, today I am doing that.
This post is coming LIVE from my bathroom.
You see, there are 8 kids in the other part of the house.
(Only 3 are my own)
I have been babysitting them for two weeks now.
I need a break.
They are driving me NUTS.
So, here I am . . .
The cat just left the door.
She scratched, then meowed and then she stuck one of her paws underneath the door.
She knows where I hide.
She tries to hide too.
I can't blame her.
I just skimmed through my new Betty Crocker Cookies & Bars magazine.
(lots of yummy cookies to look at)
Yep, I looked at and thought of FOOD in the Bathroom.
That has to be wrong in so many ways, right?
Oh well.
I've also been sitting here staring at one empty toilet paper roll.
Don't worry . . .
There's a full roll on top of the empty one though.
Someone was just too lazy to swap them.
Oh well.
I just heard a kid.
It was the princess.
She is calling me.
She came to the door.
I did not make a sound.
Maybe she will go away?
Oh well.
I am not coming out.
I wish my kids were a bit older so I could hide in there too... But the thought of leaving my 5, 3 and 1 year olds alone for more than 2 minutes makes me cringe more than being stuck here listening to the screams and fighting... Who knows what I'd come out to?!?!
lol. i totally hide in the bathroom too. cause there are 6 tiny terrorists in the house with me all.the.time. cause they are all mine :)
haha this is hilarious!!
LOL, we do what we have to in order to survive the chaos! With 8 kids at the moment, you deserve as much bathroom time as you can get!
Love this...
I know once Isabella and Madelyn are older I'll be hiding out there, too...
Because right now? I feel like the bathroom is one big gathering room when I'm in there!
No wonder my mother always spent so much money on re-doing our bathrooms when the rest of the house was falling apart. Hmmmm....
ROFL... I can't even go to the bathroom in piece. People figure out how to barge right in.
You are brave for watching 8 kids! I could never do it!
Most days I wish our bathrooms had lock (it doesn't work hiding in there when people barge in) and I only have one.
You crack me up! i am glad that i am not the only one who goes to hide and surf in the bathroom!
I do that all the time. I go in to read and re-read Harry Potter. I call it my Harry Potty time.:)
I always get the little fingers under the door and hear little voices saying "mommy you in there? Peek a boo I see you.".
Haha! Change the dadgum toilet paper, people!!
Ha ha ha! Hilarious! If I was able to get online in the bathroom, I would totally do that to. :)
I wouldn't come out either! LOL
I love this post and absolutely adore you. I never enjoyed a bathroom so much until I had a husband and minis. It is amazing how calm and relaxing it can be.
Just breathe...don't they start school soon???
I love this post! I never thought of hiding in the bathroom, I think because my daughter follows me in before I can close the door. note to self: need to practice bathroom exits see what works best.
On another note LOVE your blog and I can't wait to cook with my daughter when she will actually listen like Princess!!!
The bathroom is the quietest place in my house, a place for piece and quiet.
I can even get the internet in my bathroom.
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