Jun 4, 2010

Get your craft on!

craft camp

M---O-OOOOMA! I'm bored....
Those three words can only mean one thing.

Check out Craft Camp via Skip to my Lou

30 days filled with 30 crafts from 30 bloggers

I'll be back later with some more "MOM, I'M BORED" ideas.


Cluttered Brain on June 4, 2010 at 9:56 PM said... 1

I love the tip of the day.
Did you take that picture in my house??
totally how it is. just throw the old roll away why don't you???


some people's children.

To avoid the bored factor, we are starting Momschool next week.
Got to keep those boogers busy. :)

Jessica on June 6, 2010 at 8:21 PM said... 2

Thanks for the link! There are some great ideas on there that I would like to try, perhaps when my daughter gets a bit older (she's only four months).

I found your blog on MBC and am now following.

I am still new at this blogging thing and am in need of new followers, so please follow me as well.

You can find me at:

I look forward to reading more from you!

-Jessica a.k.a Nya's mom


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