Jan 6, 2010

I can do a mean "Carlton"

To Snow?
Not To Snow?

That is the question.

Ya see, we (FOLKS) down here hardly EVER get the white stuff known to many as SNOW.
Well, there was this one time back in 1994.
Oh wait...
That wasn't snow.
That was "THE ICE STORM OF 94".
The weather/news people around here are so fancy.
"The Great Freeze of 03"
Except you have to say it in that DEEP MOVIE PREVIEW voice.
Oh, and there are lots of special effects and sounds.

We do not get snow.
Every once in awhile they will hype the kids up and scare the pants off the "seasoned folks" out there with "SNOW IS IN THE FORECAST".
The kids start designing their snow forts (in their heads).
The "seasoned folks" head to the market to clear out the bread shelves and milk aisle.
I said "seasoned folks" this time and NOT granny or gramps goodtimes.
See, I am improving.
a . little .

Only to get home and hear :

"We got lucky this time."
"We barely missed the snow by THIS much."


Now I have angry children and NO BREAD.
Thanks a lot.

Where am I going with all of this?

I was watching the news earlier this week and 2 out of 3 kids just happened to be in here to hear "SNOW IS A-COMIN". (or something kind of like that)
That's all they heard.
That's all they wanted to hear.

Weather man said up to 3 inches!
but in weather man terms that really means a light dusting, right?

The next day....
Snow's still a-comin.
1-2 inches
great, we won't even get the dust....more like if ya blink ya may miss it

Today . . .
Ehhh (says the weather man) Snow is still in the forecast for SOME of us.
The cities DOWN BELOW HERE will receive the majority of the snow.
I still see us getting 1/2 inch to 1 inch.

uh huh
You already know what I am thinking, right?
no snow

But one thing he was MOST certain of :
It's gonna be cold.


Here's the deal.
I am challenging that SNOW.
(and weather man)
except he doesn't really know it

If it snows more than ONE INCH (which I don't see happening).
I will say "I WAS WRONG."


I will also run outside in my BRIGHT BLUE SNUGGIE and dance.
Since, I don't know any of the HIP dances of today.
I will have to break it down 90's style.
*Word to yo Mutha*
A little MC HAMMER
Running Man
Roger Rabbit

Ya know, the good stuff.
I may even toss in a "Carlton" for ya.

Wanna take a poor girl bet?
ya know, the kind that doesn't involve $$

Yes or No

Whatcha think?

Y'all come back tomorrow, ya hear?


Anonymous said... 1

Ohhh, I'm prayin' that it snows now! And, WHEN it does, this Snuggie dance WILL be videotaped and shown to your loyal blog readers, right? And, could you blast a little Tom Jones in the background when you do the Carlton?

Ink Obsession Designs on January 6, 2010 at 2:11 PM said... 2

I just want to see you do a Carlton! :)

I think we are suppose to get like 4-8 inches in the next day and a half. You can have some of our snow if you would like! I'm over it!

Amanda on January 6, 2010 at 2:42 PM said... 3

I hope you get snow only so that someone can videotape you dancing in it in your snuggie LOL And I'm right there with you, I can do a mean Carlton myself!!

Alison on January 6, 2010 at 3:10 PM said... 4

You can do the Carlton? Awesome. Your kids must be so proud.

Christina - Rant Rave Roll on January 6, 2010 at 4:57 PM said... 5

We usually on get occasional ice and sleet. We had a little snow in December... it was a historical event in this area. Now it cold... real cold and I don't like real cold.

Pres. Kathy on January 6, 2010 at 5:35 PM said... 6

I would like for it to snow just to see you dance! We are expecting 6-9 inches tomorrow~

Emmy on January 6, 2010 at 5:58 PM said... 7

Oh I hope yes as I so want to see that!!

The Allen Family on January 6, 2010 at 9:02 PM said... 8

Bwahaha. Thanks for that clip! I LOVE the Carlton. I challenge my Carlton to your Carlton, any day! :) I'm praying you get snow!!

Working Mommy on January 6, 2010 at 9:07 PM said... 9

I used to do The Carlton in the aisles of the grocery store with my mom when I was little...she gets embarrassed so easily so it was a trip!! She could hurry ahead and I'd start running after her...muwahahahaha!


jonahbonah on January 6, 2010 at 9:46 PM said... 10

I don't recall where you are...but, we're supposed to get 2-6 inches here in Ft Campbell, KY. Supposed to. And from what I've seen around here, the folks around here get all bent outta shape too! The Commisary (grocery store) yesterday was PACKED!!! There was still milk and bread, thank goodness.

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• on January 6, 2010 at 10:36 PM said... 11

LOL I love Carlton! Uhh is it bad I hope you do get snow now? For your kids' happiness ... yeah, okay and to see you dance in your snuggie. :D

Alesha @ Full Time Mama on January 6, 2010 at 10:42 PM said... 12

Add me to the list of people who REALLY HOPE it snows there! If it doesn't, can you still do it just to entertain us?? =)

Liz Mays on January 7, 2010 at 6:03 AM said... 13

I want that snuggie Carlton dance on video too!

Amanda on January 7, 2010 at 9:20 AM said... 14

LOL 3" here means anything from a dusting to 8". They never know for sure. In fact last storm, they said something to the effect of "We might see some snow or we might not." Why not just say a 50% chance of snow?


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