May 25, 2010

Spooneez...Simple, Practical and STYLISH

Have you guys seen these?
What a great concept...


Think about it: 
You are at the playground. Baby wants carrots. Baby doesn't want to wait until you get home. 

Take them out of the diaper bag and open that jar, mom. HURRY! Shove 'em in....

Ahhh much better, huh?

What do you do with the dirty spoon?
There is no way to clean it.
Stick it in the diaper bag? Ooey, Gooey and Crusty?

Wrap it up with Spooneez.

*stylish (our favorite part)

Check them out at

You can also find them on twitter and facebook.


Amanda on May 26, 2010 at 7:39 AM said... 1

Those are much cuter than shoving the dirty spoon in a plastic bag then having a nasty plastic bag and spoon in the bottom of your diaper bag until who knows when you find it again. What? That doesn't happen to everyone?

Pres. Kathy on May 26, 2010 at 8:36 PM said... 2

What an awesome product!


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