Kate as in Well, you know who I am referring to.....
the unpleasant one
The one that yells at her husband, is often annoyed with her children and is just downright nasty? The one that ooozes sarcasm when speaking to her family but ooozes WARM & FUZZIES when dealing with anyone else.

Yes, I was a KATE.
(Except I have cuter hair! Just sayin')
However, it honestly did not even click with me until hearing my husband tell me how pleasant I had been for the past week.
The other day when my son asked why I was being so nice.
(That one really hit me in the gut)
*More like BOING. . . BOING. . . BLUBBER*
You see, I have always been one of those "controlling" types.
I had to be in control.
However, the control issue is slowly but surely dwindling down.
Bit by Bit
I am starting to let go and allow GOD to contol me instead of ME controlling ME.
Ya know what?
It's not that bad at all!
Most of you know by now that I have three wonderful kiddos that try my patience on a daily basis.
*One of them is doing that RIGHT.THIS.MINUTE.*
I have been pulling my hair out for years now.
I had told myself and others that I was NOT having anymore kids.
nope....never....no way....not gonna happen
Oh Boy, Have I told people that!I was in control of the situation too.
And Obviously controlling that situation was harming me in more ways than one.
Ya see, I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and heart issues a few months ago.
I had to be put on meds and everything.
Which comes to my next issue . . .
It was either my health of that little teeny tiny "control" that I took daily.
I knew it was coming.
I was scrambling.
I was worrying.
The more I worried, The more I prayed until one day it just "clicked".
It was like a switch went off.
I suddenly gained a little more patience.
I gained a little more happiness.
WOW, was this my sanity coming back.
Was it that itty bitty "control" factor that was making me this unpleasant to be around?
I would love to say YES and blame it on that but I know deep inside that it was also ME.
Ok, if you have made it this far then I just want you to know that I feel GREAT. I don't lose my temper as often as I did. I haven't been letting the little things bother me.
I am enjoying being ME again and enjoying my WONDERFUL and PATIENT husband and children.
I am letting GOD take back control.
Well, actually he has always been in control but I always tried to block him.

Will the "H" family be expanding?
Who knows?
But I do know one thing.....
If it's meant to be then it will be.
No worries on my end.
Gosh, I still can not believe I just said that!
This probably makes little to no sense to many of you. I just had to type it out though.
And speaking of "KATE".
I must know . . .
Will you be watching for the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT TONIGHT?
Oops did I just roll my eyes?
If they announce a seperation, Will you still watch?
I have already said it but I will say it again :
Big shout out to
Kisses of Sunshine for posting
this post. You really got me to thinking and well, that is why I refer to my OLD self as a KATE! As soon as I read your description of Kate, I immediately yelled out "OH NO! I
was a Kate.!"
~Ok back to our regularly scheduled program~