Feb 28, 2009

I'm itchin'

Itchin' to get CRAFTY!
What to make .....What to make....
I could stencil a shirt or two. Tizzalicious Crafts and Cuteness has a nifty tutorial posted on her blog.

Or I could try my hand at soap-making like messes and mudpies did.

Cute, huh?
I could always whip up some bathtub paints for the kidlets.....I found this one via The Crafty Crow but the tutorial is the work of Wee Life.

hmmm....these chalkboard mats look pretty neat too. I might have to try a few. Little Birdie Secrets has a tutorial on how to do those. Oh, be sure to check out her pie in a jar post. Afterall...they are her newest obsession. (Look quite tasty too!)

Decisions Decisions . . .
What on earth shall I make?
Got a crafty project?? Send it to me and I will feature it next week.

Around the Blog-o-sphere in 10 minutes

Let's see what's going on "AROUND THE BLOG-O-SPHERE".....

Visit I Heart Faces and submit your "MESSY" photos. (Begins March 2nd)

Every Thursday, Bridgette is hosting Think Thin Thurs. Why not join?
The Not-So-Blog
Hey, Be sure to check out her Label Daddy entry video. It's awesome... AND SHE WON!!

**Be sure to head over and give Cat of 3 Kids and Us some "congrats". THE BABY IS FINALLY HERE and oh-so-beautiful. ((Hugs Cat!!))

This week's featured giveaways:
Win $50 worth of Jockey's NEW Naturals intimates.

This giveaway is hosted by Mom Fuse.

WePlay toys from Munchkin Field giveaway hosted by Life Starring Ellie and Eve.

Melissa and Doug giveaway from Good For the Kids

Got something going on? Maybe a giveaway or just a ROCKIN' POST for us to check out?
Post it on Mr. Linky and we will be sure to visit.

Feb 27, 2009

I sang to a monster at the dinner table.....

Feel like a party? What? You don't have anything to wear? Don't worry! You can wear your p.j's to this party.
Yeppers, Ann...Again and again hosts VIRTUAL GIRLS NIGHT OUT every Friday. Head on over and join the fun!
This is my first "Virtual Girl's Night Out". Oh gosh, I hope someone talks to me....

I hope I don't have to stand around and look like an oddball.
I mean I am probably the only one at the party with a 4 year old stuck to her side, right?
grrr....Kids always trying to ruin my fun.
Anyhoo we are playing a little game tonight. PLAY ALONG and find out why I sang to a monster at the dinner table.
Oh heck, I will go ahead and tell you why:
Seriously, head over and play the game with us!

Say It Foward featuring: Save Your Money Mama!!

Mom Blogs
Wow, I almost forgot about Say it Foward Friday. (oopsie!)
I am going to feature Save Your Money Mama!!
Save Your Money Mama
You can always find some great savings, giveaways and tips over there.
She also posts about FREEBIES found all over the web.
You guys should really check out Save Your Money Mama especially if you are trying to stretch those dollars!

Show one of your commenters some "BLOGGY LOVE". Feature them on Say it Foward Friday.
*hosted by 5 Minutes For Mom

Aloha Friday....Weird Food Habits/Combos?


This has been a very long week for me.
We have been cleaning up around the house. I guess you could say "Spring Cleaning".
It has been exhausting to say the least.
I want to sleep late tomorrow.....
Anyhoo, my question for ALOHA FRIDAY is :
Do you have any WEIRD FOOD habits?
meaning-Do you mix certain things together and think they are actually GOOD? Do people think it's weird? lol
Some of mine include :

*Fried Okra with Ketchup
*Corn mixed in with my mashed potatoes
*Scrambled Eggs with Jelly
*Tortilla chips and Cream cheese (as the dip)
*Apples with Kool-Aid mix (SUGAR ADDED)....Have you tried this one?? YUM! It tastes like a candy apple.

Alrighty, now what are some of your WEIRD FOOD HABITS?
Leave me a comment and don't forget to join Aloha Friday by visiting An Island Life.

Feb 26, 2009

Thursday 13 (My Junk Magnet)

Ok, we all have these JUNK MAGNETS.
Mine: the countertop/bar area

I can not control it no matter what.

Here's a list of items on the countertop right now :
1. baby bottle (babysitting today)
2. Mineral Secrets makeup *review coming soon
3. toy mouse (cat toy)
4. monkey PEZ dispenser
5. pink hockey puck (!!??)
6. silver earrings (mine)
7. necklace (mine...oops!)
8. two seashells
9. notebook with bills in it
10. Xbox game that has not even been opened (we are returning it)
11. paper
12. cd case
13. checkbook

Oh, I could go on .....
Where is your junk magnet located? I am sure most of you will say you have a junk drawer, right? We have a few of those too!

For more Thursday 13 entries visit : Thursday-13.com & On the Verge...confessions of a MADWOMAN.

*NEW* Bella Sara Miniatures series

Bella Sara, the leading trading card product ever created for girls, is doubling the fun with two new additions to it's magical online land of North of North, which continues to capture the hearts of young girls across the country. Bella Sara offers positive, inspirational messages and has sold more than 80 million cards to date.

The Big Girl has really enjoyed the Bella Sara card series. She was first introduced to Bella Sara in October of last year and is still logging in weekly to check on her horses and play games.

So, you can imagine how excited she was to receive the NEW Miniatures Series figurines.
The Miniature Series is an another dimension of Bella Sara which can also be experienced through trading cards and in online and video game virtual worlds.
*There are over 20 velvety soft figurines to collect and each one comes with a stand for display, a bonus code for an animated horse statue to be used in your online cottage, and a full color checklist.
NEW Bella Sara Miniatures will be available in MARCH.

Also, available in March will be NEW inspirational treasures with BELLA SARA TREASURES, the eighth series in the popular trading card line.
*more printable activities
*bonus codes
*coloring pages
*jigsaw puzzles
Starting February 27th through April 30th, BellaSara.com is offering up a chance to win a Treasure Hunt Party.

Embark on a Whimsical Journey with Bella Sara today!!

Feb 25, 2009

Wordless Wed. ~~SUGAR MEETS SPICE~~


But which is which???
For more Wordless Wed. visit 5 Minutes for Mom, Mom Dot and wordlesswednesday.com.
*If you host WW be sure to leave your link in the comments section.
I will get your link up.

Feb 24, 2009

~NEW~ Honey Kix (giveaway)

This giveaway has now ended.
Congrats to Jordan'z Mommie. I just sent you an email.
Big THANKS to everyone that entered!!

Honestly, I have never bought Kix cereal before.
Why? It just never appealed to me.
But now I will have to change my shopping list a little.
You see, they now have HONEY KIX and well, my kiddos actually liked it.
Who would have thought?
There is no flashy box.
There was no prize.
The cereal is not covered in sugar.
There is no marshmallows.
My kids liked it!
Now I can understand the whole "Kid tested, Mother approved." slogan.
*whole grains, a good source of fiber and no artificial flavors or preservatives.
It's a win win for both!
And now ~new~ Honey Kix?
Would you like to win a HONEY KIX Sweet & Simple prize pack?
Each prize pack includes:
Honey Kix cereal
2 kix bowls
1 cereal keeper
1 cereal and milk travel container (This is NEAT!)
and a cute little honey jar
All you have to do is comment below with YOUR FAVORITE CEREAL.
Which do you prefer?
This giveaway will close on Tuesday, March 3rd and a winner will be announced.

~one extra entry for tweeting this giveaway.
~two extra entries for blogging this giveaway.
~three extra entries for placing my button on your sidebar.

Random Thoughts Tuesday


I have come to the conclusion that I spend too much time online.
:Gasp: Say it aint so.....
Well, because I literally have to stop myself sometimes when I am speaking to friends and family.
*You know the IRL kind.
I have to stop myself from blurting out LOL or OMG! or BRB.
Yes, people I want to use internet lingo when talking to REAL PEOPLE.
(not that you guys aren't real or anything. oh, you know what I mean.)
Do you ever do this??
Am I just weird? **Don't answer that.

Side note: I can recall my first chat board sessions (Good ole AOL days).
I had just quit work to become a SAHM and decided to explore the net. I joined some pregnancy chatrooms and started seeing LOL everywhere. I had no idea what it meant at the time and of course would never ask. I mean....I wanted to be in the COOL CROWD, ya know?
I started using it . . . A LOT!
I would sign my name in emails like this :
LOL, Linda
Yeah for awhile I did that. (DON'T JUDGE!)
I did eventually find out what LOL meant.
What I thought: lots of love
So, there for awhile I was known as "LAUGH OUT LOUD" Linda
now I am just known for using . . . . . . . . . .'s a little too much.
I guess you can call me . . . . dot dot dot Linda now.

*side note to the side note: that link up there says you can use LOL for Lots of Love too! I am not THAT crazy afterall.

Got some random thoughts of your own? Visit The Un Mom and add yours to Mr. Linky so we can read your randomness.

Feb 23, 2009

Yep, she's cool too !


Have you ever been to Gourmet Mom on the Go? If not then scoot on over there and check out all the YUMMIES!
The Gourmet Mom on the Go is the works of Mandy, a busy mom of three. Mandy loves to cook with her kids and believe me IT SHOWS! She just screams TALENT and CREATIVITY. I wanna be Mandy when I grow up! hee hee
Below is just a sampling of her goodies. Be sure to check out everything by visiting her blog.

edible crayons
(these would be a perfect school treat!)

jeweled jello (kind of looks like stained glass, don't ya think?)

Flower cup quiche (pretty swanky, eh?) in a kid kinda way!

Mandy also shares all kind of fun tips with everyone.....
Mile high cupcakes anyone?

Ah, she's just showing off (wink!)

Did you know that Kool-Aid will remove chlorine from your hair??
I didn't either but she also has a whole list of things that Kool-Aid is good for BESIDES drinking.

Want more?
Visit Gourmet Mom on the Go.
psst....feel free to toss a vote her way....
Her cupcakes have been entered in the Mixing Bowl's "Calling All Cupcakes" contest.

Music Ace Deluxe ....music lessons for beginners


While we do a variety of homeschooling activities throughout the week, one that we do not do as much as I would like is .... Music.
AND NO, turning the radio on does NOT count! lol
So, I decided to give Music Ace Deluxe a try.
A little about the program:
Harmonic Vision's Music Ace Deluxe, a home based software program gives parents an affordable and fun way to bring music into their children's lives.
Designed by music education professionals, Music Ace Deluxe is a comprehensive series of music lessons and games that teach beginning music students of all ages the basics of music theory, rhythm, pitch, note reading, listening, and the keyboard. No previous musical experience or instrument is required.

Under the guidance of animated tutor Maestro Max, students are led through a carefully sequenced series of music lessons. Used alone or as a complement to traditional music lessons, this program will challenge, engage and motivate music students and help them succeed by mastering important music concepts and skills.

My kids love this program! It is so much fun. You can lean how to read notes, keyboard basics, key signatures, scales and so much more.
With the Music Doodle Pad, your kiddo can create their own tunes and listen to them once they are done. (This is a big hit with my kids.)
There are 36 lessons to learn. You can break them up and do a couple per week, one per day....however you see fit.
1. Introduction to the Staff 19. Notes Longer Than a Beat
2. Intro. to the Piano Keyboard 20. Below the Bass Staff
3. Beat and Tempo 21. Dotted Quarter Notes
4. Playing with Pitch 22. Half Steps and Whole Steps
5. The ABCs of the Keyboard 23. Rests
6. Hearing Rhythms 24. Sharps and Flats
7. More Piano ABC's 25. Sharps and Flats on the Staff
8. The ABCs of the Staff 26. Syncopation
9. Basic Rhythm Notation 27. The Key Signature
10. The ABCs of the Treble 28. Introduction to Major Scales
11. More Treble Staff ABC's 29. Sixteenth Notes
12. The Quarter Rest 30. Sharp Key Signatures
13. Below the Treble Staff 31. Three Sounds per Beat
14. Melody 32. The Time Signature
15. Above the Treble Staff 33. Flat Key Signatures
16. The Measure 34. The 6/8 Time Signature
17. The ABC's of the Bass 35. Minor Scales
18. Above the Bass Staff 36. Introduction to Harmony

We have been doing two lessons per week and the kid's usually ask me to do more. I may have a few music major's in the near future!
I would definately reccomend Music Ace Deluxe for anyone that wants to learn about more about music.

Thanks to Family Review Network for another great review opportunity.

Feb 22, 2009

Tired of hearing about HER!!!!!


It just sounds like some cheesy character in a super hero comic book.

-I'm just sayin'....

edited to add: MAKE IT STOP! Now there is an OCTO-DAD??

Just another day . . .


Big girl comes into the room in tears....
me: "What's wrong, Big Girl?"
Big girl holds up a plastic baggie and says : "My tooth is missing."
Obviously the PRINCESS was playing with it yesterday while Big Girl was at the hockey game. YES FOLKS SHE WAS PLAYING WITH A TOOTH.....NOT HER TOOTH but SOMEONE ELSES TOOTH!

WHY?? PU-LEASE! I have learned never to question why she does anything.
(she marches to her own little beat, that one!)

Now they are all in the Big Girl's room searching for a tooth.

**The real reason for the tears......It's all about the $$!

Feb 21, 2009

Bloggy Happenings and Giveaways

Whew.....What a week!
I would say that I am glad it's Saturday but to be honest I have to spend my morning here:

Ay Yi Yi!
So, as you can see I would much rather skip Saturday this week and roll on over to Sunday!
I am going to make this short and sweet . . . .

"A few featured giveaways"
Win a LEARNING TOWER from My Wooden Spoon.

Win a $100 gift card from Amazon.com. This giveaway is being hosted by Robyns Online World.

Hey My daughter would like this one: Win a Kajeet cell phone over at The Glamorous WAHM.

Ok, what do you have for us?
Place your bloggy "happening" or giveaway below. We would love to check it out.
P.S. Don't forget to check out my NEW giveaways.
You can find them <--- (on my side bar).

Feb 20, 2009

Aloha Friday


I can't believe that I have never participated in "Aloha Friday".
I guess you can consider me an ALOHA FRIDAY newbie.
What shall I ask?
Ah, ok I have one!
Hey BLOG STALKERS!(no, not really!) lol
What blog do you visit daily? Or which one do you visit the most (if not daily)?
You can't list your own either.
Gimme a link. I want to check them out too....I am nosey like that.

the blog I stalk daily (or almost) : Makes and Takes

*See that banner above?
Click on it to find out more about Aloha Friday.

Say it Foward Friday ~T.G.I.F.~

Mom Blogs

Alrighty guys, I know I am slacking in the "comment department" this week. I promise to get caught up though....PROMISE!
You see, between doctor's offices and hospitals: I AM POOP---ED!
me-Doctor appointments
my grandmother-surgery
(She had one of her legs amputated so she will be in the hospital for awhile.)
All is well though! She is a tough 91 year old woman.

Enough about me . . .
Mom Blogs
I am going to feature:
You can find Hyla blogging over at Green Earth Journey.
Hyla's blog posts are all EARTH FRIENDLY. She also reviews some wonderful eco-friendly products and hosts giveaways from time to time.
Hyla is also expecting a sweet lil baby. (AWW!)
So, head over and check out Hyla's blog, Green Earth Journey.
Tell her that I sent ya!

Pizza Hut's NEW Tuscani Lasagna

Congrats JANELLE (At Home with my Monkeys)!!
You have won this giveaway and I just sent you an email.
BIG THANKS goes out to everyone that entered.
*I can tell you guys LOVE Pizza Hut w/459 comments. (lol)

I got an email one day....
"Would you like to try Pizza Hut's new Tuscani Lasagna?"
"Heck YEAH! Yum Yum 'Gimme Some!"

I couldn't wait to get this lasagna. I made hubby run up to Pizza Hut (because we live in the boonies and they do not deliver at my house).
He called me back....
"Uh, it's going to be an hour and forty five minutes before they can make the lasagna."
Ok, we would just try again the next night......
Called and placed order only to hear "We are currently out of the Tuscani Lasagna. Would you like some of our Creamy Chicken Alfredo pasta?"
me: "Uh, NO! I want Lasagna!!"
We tried again the night after that only to be told the same thing :
-begin frustration-
-end frustration-
I just knew we were going to be out of luck again when we tried to order this past Wednesday night but *WOO HOOTY HOO!* they had the lasagna and we even got it at a reasonable time.
It was HOT, smelled AWESOME and tasted even better than I had imagined.
The bread sticks were a huge hit too.
Tuscani Lasagna:
With layers of lasagna noodles and real ricotta, Parmesan and Romano cheeses smothered in Italian-seasoned meat sauce and freshly oven-baked with a layer of melted cheese, you'll get the taste of Italy, delivered right to your door. Get over 3 lbs. of pasta plus 5 breadsticks for a mere $14.99.

You should try it.
But before you place your order...........
I have some Pizza Hut Tuscani Lasagna and breadsticks to giveaway !!
All you have to do is tell me what your favorite menu item is. (Pizza Hut)
This giveaway will end on Friday, February 27th and a winner will be notified.
~Extra Entries~
*one extra entry for tweeting this giveaway on Twitter.
**two extra entries for blogging about this giveaway.
***three extra entries for adding my banner to your site.

Feb 18, 2009

Wordless Wednesday *This is normal, right?


Want more ?
Click HERE, HERE and HERE!

Feb 17, 2009

Cora's playground

Got $$ ?? You must go HERE.
There's a whole bunch of Etsy sellers donating their precious talents and $$ to benefit Cora's Playground. I found out about sweet Cora from my pal Beki's blog but you can read more about Cora by clicking HERE.

Just a few of my favorites:
princess stationery from threewheelsdesign

flower pin from joyshope shoppe

Personalized Silhouette 8x10 print from saratams shoppe

*Y'all know how much I like silhouettes!
button flowers from thebuzybee

If you can't purchase at this time then grab the Cora's Playground button and display it on your blog!

Now I believe I will go squeeze (hug) on my own kiddos!

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