Jul 30, 2008
Argh! We're going on a treasure hunt.
Jul 29, 2008
Your kids will beg to take a bath
1 cup of grated Ivory soap
1/4 cup warm water
1. Mix water, soap and food coloring together in a medium bowl. Stir the mixture until it begins to thicken.
2. Remove the mixture from the bowl and knead it until it is the consistency of very thick dough. 3. Roll the dough into the shape of a ball.
4. Make a hole in the center of the ball that is big enough for the small rubber toy to fit inside.
5. Fill the hole with the treasure then seal with some extra dough.
6. Allow to dry overnight before using.
Jul 28, 2008
We like to play with our food around here
Isn't it great? (Kind of makes me hungry!)
Giveaway will end on Monday August 4th and winner will be announced.
The Travel Adventures of Lilly P. Badilly
I have been meaning to post this review for some time now but you see WORK and KIDS and EVERYONE ELSE'S KIDS got in my way. However, I am proud to announce that I am now ready to discuss The Travel Adventures of Lilly P. Badilly.
The Travel Adventures of Lilly P. Badilly is a remarkable children's book written and illustrated by Debbie Glade.
Lilly P. Badilly, a very talented and artistic millipede sets off on a Costa Rican vacation with her grandparents. The "vacation" was meant to be a way of exploring and having a great time however Lilly soon realizes that there is more to this so called vacation. Lilly and her grandparents meet some pretty interesting creatures/insects along the journey including a riddling millipede and a very scary spider....scary as in SHE WANTED TO HAVE THEM FOR DINNER!
As the story starts out we find out that Lilly P. Badilly is pretty much scared of a lot of things however by the end of the journey she has actually overcome the fears and shown great strength and skill by helping others.
The book is filled with colorful illustrations, geography, culture and tons of humor.
I had a great time reading this to my children and they really enjoyed hearing how the story unfolded.
YOU MUST listen to the amazing cd that is included with the book. It is filled with great music and songs that will definately have the whole family humming along.
*My children loved the cd so much that they had to share it with their neighbor friends yesterday!
The Travel Adventures of Lilly P. Badilly is a enjoyable read and I can not wait to read the next collection by author Debbie Glade.
Jul 27, 2008
Trick OR Treat ?
What kid doesn't like Sushi??
Jul 25, 2008
Back to School shopping (Land's End Giveaway)
Giveaways is now closed....Winner notified and if I do not hear from winner within 48 hours then another will be chosen.
Thanks for entering!!

The Banana Splits
Alright all you HIP and HAPPENIN' parents out there, I am here to tell you that the Banana Splits are BACK! Do you remember this wild and wacky show when you were younger? Starting on September 2nd Cartoon Network will begin airing the Banana Splits.
Jul 23, 2008
Some great blogs to keep ya going.....
Jul 18, 2008
Princess Linens (Doodlebugz giveaway)
I will choose a winner on Friday July 25th.
If you happen to find something that you like and want to purchase today then Princess Linens has also given me a discount code for you to use :
Just enter TrendyTykes at checkout for an additional 15% off your order.
Jul 17, 2008
We built a house today
We built a house and decorated it.

(To be honest it is decorated WAY better than my own home!)

I bet your kiddos would love to do this.
Here's what ya need:
cardboard box *or cardboard pieces
Flip through magazines and find all your home essentials (living room, dining room, bedroom...)
Before you glue the photos on your board you may want to figure out where everything will go first.

Once you have your house "decorated" you can search for your FAMILY.
We cut out DADDY, MOMMY, KIDS and even pets then glued them to construction paper. (They will hold up better)
A fun project that will keep the little ones entertained for hours!
Jul 15, 2008
Your Little Sweet Pea
I have the perfect solution for both dilemmas and maybe even a few I couldn't think of.
If all this "decorating" talk has your mind spinning DON'T WORRY because Your Little Sweet Pea also offers Design Services. That's right, You can have a professional help decorate your room!
Head on over and pick out something nice for your cutie patootie's bedroom. While you are there why don't you enter the ROOM DESIGN CONTEST. You could just walk away with a cool crisp $20.00 gift certificate.
~National Gummi Worm Day~
According to Candy USA! Today is National Gummi Worm Day.
Jul 13, 2008
Splish Splash.....Bath time fun & Johnson's giveaway
Is it fun at your house or more of a hassle? And when I say HASSLE, I mean does your lil one HATE getting wet? Here recently our youngest has been screaming everytime she goes near the tub. She haaaaaaaaates getting her hair washed and believe me.....I HATE WASHING IT!
JOHNSON'S® BUDDIES™ clean-you-can see BODY WASH
All you have to do is leave me a comment stating which JOHNSON'S product is your favorite (or state which product you are most excited about trying).
*Please leave a valid email address so I can reach you once the giveaway is over.
For extra entries simply post about this giveaway on your blog and link back with an additional comment.
Jul 11, 2008
Smiles Across Miles Photo cards (giveaway)

Because you see they want to make sure you are happy and will even generate unlimited digital proofs until everything is right. *Now, that's what I call CUSTOMER SERVICE people!

Art via the Salad Spinner
Jul 10, 2008
Panda-Monium ! ! !
Also included:
Fun recipes like the one below....
Chillin' China Punch
1 can frozen cherry juice concentrate *thawed
The Schoolhouse planner
As many of you know I am currently homeschooling our oldest daughter and will also homeschool my 5 year old son this coming school year. I have been working on lesson plans for both children which has been quiet an ordeal to say the least.
12 essays from some of our favorite authors in the homeschool community – you absolutely won’t want to miss these!
24 easy main-dish recipes from some top homeschoolers around the nation
Forms that are appropriate for preschool – graduation
A 12-year planning form, so that you can plan your child’s school career from beginning to end!
2-page monthly calendar with BIG blocks with lots of room for writing in details each day
Jul 7, 2008
There's a new blog in town.....
Super hero to the rescue!
Jul 5, 2008
Fun with Index cards
Jul 3, 2008
Have a great 4th of July!
Jul 2, 2008
NewBaby.com (learning sharing and creating memories via video)
NewBaby.com is the online video resource for moms featuring thousands of mom generated videos, product Vcasts and Expert solutions segments. It's an online community where moms can learn, share and create videos in a safe, secure and Free environment. Come Vlog with us at NewBaby.com (www.NewBaby.com)!
Get the grandparents talking too!
Our little ones spent a good deal of time with my parents this past week and I thought it would be a great time to introduce them to the wonderful game "Grandparent Talk". (You may recall that I did a little review on "Family Talk" not too long ago.)
Jul 1, 2008
Another giveaway YES INDEED! Crayola Color Explosion
GIVEAWAY is now CLOSED! *winner notified*
Thanks for entering!