Apr 30, 2009

My SnapTotes handbag

I can't believe that I forgot to tell you guys about my new Snaptotes handbag!!
It met all my expectations and THEN SOME.
If you can recall, I mentioned my recent snaptotes order in one of my earlier posts.
Well, my bag came in a few days after the post. I couldn't have been happier with the results either.
Here's the bag I chose again :

I'm going to be honest....
I have seen other photo handbags out there and they are ummm how should I put this??
Not so good
So, when I was ordering my Snaptotes bag I wasn't expecting to fall head over heels about it the way I did.
The quality is SUPERB and the photos looked great.
(even the cat's pic) hee hee
Here's the finished product :

Oh, that's right.....
There is no photo of the finished product.
Well, you see as soon as the package came I jumped into the car and headed to my mom's house. I could NOT contain my excitement. Even though Mother's Day is still a week away.....I JUST HAD TO GIVE IT TO HER RIGHT THEN AND THERE! I could NOT wait.
What did she think of her new snaptotes handbag?
She actually hugged it and then we sniffed it again together.
(gotta love that leather smell)
Thanks Snaptotes for making my mom's MOTHER'S DAY gift such a hit.

You can still order your own snaptotes handbag for Mother's day and beyond.
Simply log on to Snaptotes.com and get upload your photos.
Enter code TRENDY15 upon checkout to enjoy an additional 15% off your purchase.

Edible Gifts Plus ....edible treats of all kinds *Giveaway*


Congrats Marie

Mmm. So much to choose from. I would choose the Box of 9 Chocolate Dipped Oreos.
Please send me an email within the next 48 hours or the prize will go to someone else.

Thanks to everyone that entered !

Spa Treatments?
Shopping spree?

I have been asked the same question numerous times....
What would you like for Mother's Day?
My answer is none of the above.
What I really REALLY want is a day off. A day to myself....A day to sleep until 12:00pm
(if I choose), A day with no cooking, no cleaning, no shouting orders or begging for peace.
I want a day off.
Of course, I know that is nearly impossible so I will take sweet treats, please!

Yummy treats can bring a smile to my face NO MATTER what the rest of the day may bring.
EdibleGiftsPlus.com sent me a sample pack of some of their most popular treats.
I received cookies dipped in chocolate, fortune cookies with sprinkles and one of the most delicious sugar cookies (covered in chocolate).
They were all beyond yummy and FRESH.
EdibleGiftsPlus.com has a wide variety of products.....
chocolate dipped cookies & pretzels

gourmet popcorn
specialty cakes & pies
dipped fruit
candy bouquets
wine baskets

giant fortune cookies
so much more
There is something for every occasion such as birthdays, welcoming baby, mother's day and graduation day.
I would be happy to receive more goodies from EdibleGiftsPlus.com. (Hint Hint)
Mother's Day is May 10th (Hint Hint)
Would you like to receive some treats from ediblegiftsplus.com?
I have a $30 gift certificate for one lucky winner.
All you have to do is visit Edible Gifts Plus, browse through all the yummies.
Come back here and tell me what you would buy with the $30 gift certificate.
This giveaway will end on Friday, May 8th.
The winner will be posted on the blog so be sure you come back here to see if you won. Winner will have 48 hours to claim the prize. If no one has claimed it after that time then a new winner will be chosen.
~visit Live Giveaways and mom most traveled for more giveaways~

Hotel For Dogs dvd GIVEAWAY

Congrats : judybrittle

judybrittle said...
Our entire family would enjoy this! Thank you so much!
Please send me an email with your mailing info. My email addy can be found up top on the left sidebar. Please respond within the next 48 hours or the prize will go LIVE for someone else to win.

Ok, the kids have now watched this movie a total of 6 times.
(not kidding)
They love it !
A little about Hotel for Dogs:
The hilarious family comedy HOTEL FOR DOGS finds a new home on April 28, 2009 when it arrives on DVD and Blu-ray from Paramount Home Entertainment. Starring Emma Roberts (Nancy Drew), Jake T. Austin (“Wizards of Waverly Place”), Don Cheadle (Ocean’s 11), Lisa Kudrow (“Friends”) and Kevin Dillon (“Entourage”), the exciting and inspiring animal adventure shows just how far friendship and imagination can take you. When two orphans find themselves in a foster home with a strict “no pets” policy, they set out to find a home for their canine companion and end up creating a haven for all the strays in the city. Filled with loveable dogs and ingenious kids, HOTEL FOR DOGS has the kind of pedigree that the whole family can enjoy.
Loaded with over 45 minutes of special features, the HOTEL FOR DOGS DVD and Blu-ray presentations include the making of Hotel For Dogs, behind-the-scenes featurettes, deleted scenes, photo galleries and more, as well as commentary from director Thor Freudenthal, producer Ewan “Jack” Leslie and cast members
Emma Roberts and Jake T. Austin.

A great movie for the entire family.
My kids "bark" for more!

Would you like to win a copy of Hotel For Dogs on dvd?
I have one to give away!
All you have to do is leave a comment below.
This giveaway will end on Thursday, May 7th.
The winner will be announced HERE so please come back and see if it's YOU.
Winner will have 48 hours to respond, if no contact is made then another winner will be chosen.

~Visit Live Giveaways and mom most traveled for more great giveaways~

Bloggy giveaways everywhere!

If you love giveaways then you will want to check these out :

Mom Most Traveled

Apr 29, 2009

Wordless Wednesday


For for Wordless Wednesday posts be sure to visit these great sites
Wordless-Wednesday, 5 Minutes for Mom, and Mom Dot

Please pay no attention to her FEET ahem...... NO SHOES ON THOSE FEET!
That part drives my hubby crazy.
Other than that, I thought these were some pretty cute shots.

Apr 28, 2009

more may day baskets

Ok, I am going crazy trying to find the perfect may day basket.
I think I have become obsessed.
I really want to give my friends something LIKE TOTALLY original.
hmmm.....or maybe I just want to show off?
Either way, I am still on the hunt.
Here's the ones I found today . . .

Chic n Scratch's nifty May Day Basket

I HEART these may day baskets. Don't you?

You can buy the kit to make them here.

May Day cone, anyone?

I'll take 12 especially if there is chocolate in each one!
And here's another one of my favorites from Jeanne Winters.

They like it.....

Ok, more like....

Hotel For Dogs
They are in there watching it for the 3rd time.
we haven't even had it for 24 hours yet!


And I won't even tell you about the hotel they are building in my backyard.....
Wonder how many "guests" they are expecting?

Give Mom a Hallmark recordable greeting card for Mother's Day

Emilie said...
I wouldn't have to spend money on my mother-in-law if I won these! :)

If you don't see the little crown on the back of your card.....
then you have the WRONG CARD!
I gifted my family with their first recordable greeting cards this past Valentine's Day thanks to Hallmark and I intend to do it again for Mother's day.
Have you received one of their recordable greeting cards?
They definately make those special events and days more memorable because they are so personal.
You can say and seal anything you want to into that ONE card.
I love them!
Of course, the music at the end is always a big hit.
However, if you want the card to be all talk and no music Hallmark also offers 24 new recordable designs without the music.
Also new to the Hallmark line of greeting cards....
photo frame cards
(We are actually giving one of these to DAD for Father's Day!)
You can slide your photo right inside the frame and then record your message.
Pretty awesome, huh?

I am going to be giving away an assortment of Hallmark greeting cards.
1 hallmark recordable greeting card for MOM
1 hallmark recordable greeting card for DAD
and an assortment of other greeting cards
All you have to do is leave a comment below.
~Since this is a 24 hour giveaway, you can enter as often as you would like.~
Just be sure to ONLY comment after someone else.
This giveaway will end tomorrow, April 29th @ 3:00pm and a winner will be announced.

Mother's Day is Sunday, May 10th.

Random Thoughts tuesday

I'll have a burger with a side of butt, please.
So, what do you think of the new Burger King commercial?
Ya know....the one with a bunch of ladies dancing around with square butts?
The one that is advertising a KIDS MEAL?
I will admit that when I first saw it I snickered.
I mean COME ON there were grown women dancing around with phone books stuck to their butts.
That is KIND OF funny, right?
(and baby got back was my jam back in the day)
But what's the point?

OK, I know that they are advertising a Spongebob Squarepants kid's meal but his name is SQUAREPANTS not SQAURE BUTT. How do they know his butt is square? Sure he wears sqare pants so one will assume his butt is square but it could be perfectly round for all we know.
Oh, and the KING.......well, he freaks me out.
Anyone else?

Those free credit report.com commercials are always stuck in my head.
They are pretty catchy tunes.
Just sayin'


I watched the news today about the infamous AIR FORCE ONE photoshoot that scared the mess outta those new yorkers. First of all.....
Why on earth would they not notify the city of New York and tell them that they would be flying down for a photoshoot?

Come to think of it, Have they not heard of photoshop?
:Shaking head:

Click on the Random Thoughts Tuesday banner to participate.

Apr 27, 2009

Well.....It's Monday

Big WHOOP, huh?
I have been digging in the dirt all day. Well, actually only digging in my flower beds. I spent a total of three hours out there.
Guess what else? I did NOT plant flowers! That was just me de-weeding.
My poor hands have seen better days, that's for sure.
Wonder if anyone will toss me a compliment on my hard work?
I mean....
I know it's just dirt and all
I must say
(if I DO say so myself)
that's just me tooting my own horn
I'm a dork like that.

May Day basket ideas just in time to celebrate May Day


Alpha Mom posted a May Day basket idea and also included the templates.

Skip to My Lou gives us her take on recycled May Day baskets.

More May Day basket ideas can be found here.

Apr 25, 2009

Happenings around the blog-o-sphere

Win a $300 BlogHer scholarship!
Click below for details...
Protect-A-Bed Blogher Scholarship Contest

Don't forget about Baskin Robbins 31 cent Scoop Night, Wednesday April 29th.
Log on to BaskinRobbins.com for more information.

Check my side bar <----- for other "happenings" going on throughout the blogosphere. ** Do you have a giveaway ? Be sure to leave it on Mr. Linky below . . .

Apr 24, 2009

Aloha Friday ~It's HAMMER TIME~


T.G.I.F !
Join us for Aloha Friday. Click on the banner above for more information.

Ok, here's the scenario . . .
You MUST perform in a talent show (NO IF'S, AND'S or BUT'S about it) You just HAVE to participate.
Would you SING or DANCE??
*You have to pick from those two choices*

I don't think I would make anyone endure my singing so I would have to get up there and make a fool of myself by dancing.
Hey, I can do a MEAN running man, ya know?
Speaking of dancing....
Check out this video below.
I love how mom is in the background just knitting away not even paying attention.
Brings back so many memories
(Oh, and I used to have some hammer pants. Sad, huh?)

Watch Hammerdance videos and dance lessons at DanceJam.com

Tyson any'tizers


In our home I am always trying to come up with snack ideas. My kids tend to get into their "groove" and want the same things OVER and OVER again. While that may be ok for them, It drives this momma mad.
*Mainly because I eat what THEY eat and I am getting tired of mini corndogs, nuggets and all the other foods they crave on a daily basis.
I am proud to say that we now have NEW favorites to stock the fridge with ! !
Tyson Any'tizers
YUM YUM YUM (that pretty much sums it all up)
Tyson Foods sent us two boxes of their NEW any'tizers to try.
We received the Stuffed Chicken Cordon Bleu Minis and the Stuffed Chicken Pepperoni Minis. (my favorite)
Now, if you are thinking that these Tyson Any'tizers are just another one of those "pre-packaged boxes of FLUFF without the UMPH" then you are definately mistaken, my friend.
I will admit visions of breading without the filler did come into my mind.
WHY? Because that's mainly what's in the frozen food section these days.
Tyson any'tizers are so MUCH more!
First of all they are larger than I imagined. We actually had the Stuffed Chicken Pepperoni Minis for lunch. (My oldest daughter and myself)

The taste was YUMMMMMM and this is not only coming from ME but also my 10 year old kid.
Tyson any'tizers are not BREADING stuffed with chicken and pepperoni.
THE CHICKEN is the actual wrap and the pepperoni and cheese are stuffed inside.
Am I the only one that got giddy about that?

Any time is the right time for Tyson Any'tizers®. They are the hot, substantial snacks that are always perfectly delicious. Ideal for any snack, partying with friends or as a unique meal, they're unbelievably easy to prepare in just minutes. With so many varieties to choose from, the only hard part is deciding which ones to eat first.

Tyson Any'tizers
can be found in the frozen foods section of your grocery store. They come in a variety of flavors and I highly suggest the Stuffed Chicken Pepperoni Minis *mmm*.
Tyson Any'tizers come packaged in boxed or bagged (larger quantity)

Pick some up today!
**come back here next week for a giveaway**

Tamagotchi Music Star....A Pop Star created by YOU!


Update: due to some blogger issues with the comments. This giveaway has been extended for another few days. I will end it on Wednesday, May 13th.

I am sorry that some of your comments got left out. I have no clue as to what happened. Thanks for notifying my about the issue!

I have another great suggestion for RAINY DAY FUN.... Tamagotchi Music Star
After seeing the commercials, My kids were tickled to receive the Tamagotchi Music Star.
We have actually had other Tamagotchi products before but this one tops them all!

A little about Tamagotchi Music Stars:
Aspiring musicians can achieve “rock star” status with the new Tamagotchi Music Star - the world’s first interactive virtual pet toy that lets kids produce a musical Pop Star! Available at major retailers, Tamagotchi Music Star lets kids train their Music Star characters to become great musicians, form a band and perform in live concerts, while competing to become the Ultimate Music Star!

To experience the pop star lifestyle online, kids can visit and explore the all-new interactive Music City section of TamaTown.com. Using Gotchi Points and special passwords, kids who visit Music City can personalize their own “virtual” room for their Tamagotchi, shop for instruments, buy cool clothes for their big audition, create and produce their own music tunes and even upload their own custom-made tunes to become the #1 Pop Star!
With all-new games, features and activities, the fun of Music City never ends!

There are actually 12 different music star designs to choose from but we decided on Rock City.....because umm we ROCK!
After you name your lil music star you will need to take care of him then pretty soon you will have a true music star that forms a band, plays in concerts and becomes a great musician.
Your music star will begin as a pre-schooler and eventually end up as an adult before retiring.
However, if you do not take care of him properly he may move on ya! We learned that the hard way and had to start all over.
Taking care of your little Music Star is simple. There are icons on the top and bottom of your tamagotchi screen, just click on one and you can feed, play and even take your music star shopping.
Do you have what it takes to produce the ULTIMATE MUSIC STAR?

The fun doesn't stop there.Visit Tamatown.com for some online fun. You can create your own tunes, personalize your room and chat with your friends all in this virtual environment.
The Tamagotchi Music Star is definately a great RAINY DAY ACTIVITY!
It would also serve as a great distraction during those long car rides....
Think - Summer Vacation time
Would you like to win a Tamagotchi Music Star?
I have two to give away!

All you have to do is visit Tamagotchi.com, browse through the entire collection of Music Stars.
Come back here and let me know which one fits your kiddo best.
Giveaway will end on Wednesday, May 6th and winners will be announced.

Sorry IE users

I have no idea what is going on with the blog. I use Firefox and can see everything just fine. The issue is with IE. I am trying to figure this out and hopefully I can get it back up where it is supposed to be.

The Tamogatchi giveaway will be re-posted so you can comment.
Update: It WAS the Tamogatchi post causing the issue.....I had to delete it and I will get it back up later today.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Apr 23, 2009

*NEW* Finish Quantum ....leaves nothing behind but the shine

Congrats goes out to :
darlanpaulsmamma said...
I would love to try these - i like how they include the jet dry!!!
April 23, 2009 2:29 PM


Danielle said...
I would love to see how it works with coffee stains - thanks for this opportunity
April 24, 2009 7:54 PM

Does it seem like I am trying to tell you guys something with all these cleaning product giveaways?
hee hee!
I was extremely happy to receive the NEW finish Quantum dishwashing detergent a couple of weeks ago.
It couldn't have come at a better time either because I had just ran out of the brand I was currently using and momma had a full load of dirty dishes just hiding out in the dishwasher.
The first thing I noticed about the finish Quantum tablets....
Gosh, those little packages annoy me.
The second thing I noticed was the sleek and rather cool look.

A little about *NEW finish Quantum:
Finish Quantum is an innovative new automatic dishwashing detergent designed for consumers who want perfect dishes every time they wash. Finish, the new name for Electrasol, delivers a clean superior to the leading dishwashing detergent. Finish Quantum leaves nothing behind but the shine helping others experience the perfection they deserve in their everyday routines.

Finish Quantum features 3 powerful and active ingredients:
1. Powerball with Jet Dry gel for amazing shine.
2. Powermax Bleach removes stains like tea and coffee.
3. Powerful enzymes soften burnt-on food. (My favorite part)

So, my question for you....
Do you want clean and shiny dishes everytime?
Pick up NEW Finish Quantum and be sure to follow up with Jet Dry!
Hey, if you can't hire a maid then you might as well make your job a little simpler.


I have some finish Quantum tablets and a bottle of Jet Dry for two lucky winners.
All you have to do leave a comment on this post.
Giveaway will end on Thursday, April 30 and TWO winners will be announced.

Enter the Finish Everyday Perfection sweepstakes and WIN BIG!
one lucky winner will receive:

* Beautiful diamond jewelry
* New KitchenAid® Superba® EQ
Series dishwasher
* One (1) year supply of FINISH®
JET-DRY® Turbo Dry®

What's cookin' good lookin' ?

I found some pretty tasty looking recipes this week while browsing for my bi weekly menu plan. I thought I would share them with you.

Garlic Toasted Spaghetti pie from Picky Palate
Chicken and Sausage gumbo from Half Baked
Italian Style Cheesesteaks from Jersey Girl Cooks
Enchilada Stacks from Real Mom Kitchen
steakhouse burgers from Lick The Bowl Good

dessert...we can't forget dessert!

Pecan and Salted Caramel cheesecake from Bake or Break

Caramel Crunch Bars from Mommy? I'm hungry!

I also found these delicious looking Oatmeal Cookie pancakes via One Crafty Place. The master chef of these beauties .... Joy the Baker.

And I know that Easter has already come and gone but I spotted these ADORABLE lamb cake pops from the talented BAKERELLA and I just had to post them.

Can I get a YUM YUM?

Apr 22, 2009

Some more great blogs

Here's some pretty cool blogs that I have hiding in my favorites list. I am slowly but surely working on my blog roll and SOON ok probably LATER these will be added.

A true fashionista ....love Maegan
This Yummy Life of Mine
Little Bites of Heaven
Loulou's Views


Happy hoppin'!



It seems like there was some sort of big baby BOOM around here. I am not even joking!
There are 4 ladies in my church that will be delivering lil bundles of joy very very soon. My sister is pregnant with her first baby and three of my cousins are having babies around the same time.
I'll be the first one to admit.....I love a good baby shower.
However, with all these babies coming at one time it can be pretty overwhelming not only to the moms to be but to the shower goers like myself.
What to buy?
Where to find it?
What do they need?
Do they need clothing for girls or clothing for boys?
What about that?
Thank goodness for sites like ShopWiki. ShopWiki is the ultimate search engine for just about anything that you could imagine.
ShopWiki actively crawls more than 200,000 online stores to ensure you’ll find the products you want at the best prices.
For instance, I just went and typed in infant clothing and it immediately brought up over 3,000 listings for me to choose from. I can search by brand, price and even color!
Shopping made easy, that's how I like it.
Now all I have to do is make my decisions on the many gifts that I will be buying.
My sister is the only picky one. So, I had to email her for suggestions. I know she stated that she needed nursery furniture but I think my mom has that covered.

I was thinking more along the lines of toys or games.

Because let's face it....
A kid can never have too many toys especially if they are NOT my kids.
hee hee
What do you think?
What are some of your favorite gift ideas for a baby shower?

Wordless Wednesday


They look happy, right?

For more wordless wednesday visit here, here and even here.

Apr 21, 2009

A cleaner, healthier planet with BRIGHT GREEN

Congrats to :
Donna said...
I would like to try the ULTRA Hand Dish Wash Liquid Natural Lavender & Rosemary
Donna, send me your mailing info for shipment!
(addy is located at the top left corner)

Tough cleaning power with NO harsh chemicals or toxins.....
That's what I'm talking about!

Bright Green packs the power without damaging the Earth.
So, even though you may not TOTALLY enjoy cleaning at least you can find comfort in knowing that your cleaning products are actually helping form a cleaner and healthier planet.
It doesn't get any better than that.
Well, actually it could.
I mean....
If I had a maid to use my BRIGHT GREEN products then that would be even better.
hee hee!
A little about Bright Green products:
We developed Bright Green™ in partnership with Scientific Certification Systems (SCS), a leading third-party provider of certification, auditing and testing services and standards in environmental protection and social responsibility. SCS reviewed each Bright Green™ product for naturally derived and biodegradable ingredients, post-consumer recycled content and energy efficiency.

A wide range of choices
Bright Green™ is unique in its breadth, convenience and affordability. We offer more than 20 choices to meet all of your household needs. And, they’re available at a price that is comparable with leading national brands in these categories.

The Bright Green™ line of products features:
* Cleaning and laundry products made with naturally derived and biodegradable ingredients.
* Paper products whitened without the use of harmful elemental chlorine and made from 100% recycled fibers.
* High-efficiency light bulbs that save electricity while lasting 13x longer than ordinary bulbs.

I recently had the opportunity to try a couple of the Bright Green products.
I tried the All Purpose Cleaner which is great for cleaning just about ANYTHING.
(my kind of product....One bottle for many jobs)

I also received the Ultra Hand Dish Wash liquid.
I love this stuff. It has a awesome scent of natural lavender & Rosemary not to mention it cleans remarkably well.

Move over Dawn....You have a contender!
**little sidenote: It also makes for a great bubble bath. You should see the suds it makes.
~Mother of the Year participant over here~
Yes, I ran out of bubble bath and YES I used Bright Green hand dish wash liquid.
Am I ashamed?
No harmful toxins or nasty chemicals, remember?
Bright Green also offers laundry detergents, paper towels, toilet paper and even lightbulbs.
Next time you are in Safeway think GREEN...

I have one pretty awesome BRIGHT GREEN pack to give away.
The pack contains the following:
1 Bright Green All Purpose Cleaner
1 Bright Green Ultra Hand Dish Wash
1 Safeway Bright Green reusable shopping bag
The bags are made from 65% recycled materials and 35% cotton. As you know, reusable grocery bags help illuminate the need for paper/plastic at the checkstand, plus, at Safeway customers save green when they use them: Safeway credits customers $.05 each time they use any reusable bag at checkout.
All you have to do is leave me some comments.
*We are going to do this giveaway the same as the last.
You can enter as many times as you would like HOWEVER in the first post you must browse through the Bright Green products and tell me which you would be interested in trying.
After that you are free to post whatever comment you would like (Keep it clean!)
And remember to post ONLY after someone else has posted.

Giveaway will end tomorrow (April 22nd @ 4:00pm) and a winner will be announced.

Cantalope heads and TWOmatoes

Woke up with a headache...
blah blah blahhhhh
The little princess woke up about ten minutes later with a leg cramp....
blah blah blahhhhh
I sure do hope the other kiddos sleep a little longer.
If not then I might just run away.
Or at least run to the bedroom and hide under my blanket.
I really need a hair cut.
The girls really WANT a hair cut.
Who do you think will win?
We planted a small vegetable PLUS one fruit garden last week.
It's our fist one so we think nothing will grow.
It's been raining cats and dogs so now we think the veggies PLUS one fruit will drown to death.
Poor lil guys...

Little Princess loves TWOmatoes
(that's how you have to say it around here)
The Big Girl likes cantalope.

The little man doesn't like any of it but says his head is shaped like a cantalope.
I have to agree.
He gets it from his dad.
My head is perfect and small.
(just like my rear end!)
HEY, I can say that and you will believe me.
MY BLOG....remember?
Random enough?
Are ya feeling random today.....ARE YA?
Visit Keely over @ The Un Mom and link up.

Apr 20, 2009

Fairytale Brownies....Mother's Day giveaway

This giveaway is now CLOSED @ 366 comments....
The lucky MOM is :
souldolphindream said...
THe cream cheese brownies look so yuumy. I must try them!!!!!!
*all those comments certainly paid off!

I don't even know where to begin.
I received the most WONDERFUL package E----VER not too long ago.
I actually almost knocked the poor ups guy down trying to get to the package.
All I saw was the word BROWNIES and that was it!
(You see, me and brownies....we go way back.)
I couldn't contain myself.
I had to open the box.
I even opened the box in front of my kids. *THAT WAS A BIG STEP FOR ME as I usually have to hide my goodies. (I am not ashamed of that either!)
OH BOY ! ! !
Fairytale Brownies DELIVERED in a BIG WAY.
There were chocolate chip brownies, cream cheese brownies, caramel brownies, expresso, pecan, peanut butter....
Every kind of brownie that you could imagine was packed in this ONE box.
I tore open the package and took my first bite.
The brownies were so moist and the flavors were out of this world.
Fairytale Brownies rocked my socks off!
I can not even type this post without drooling over my keyboard.
*Can't you tell how good they were by all the !!!!'s that I have used?*

A little about FairyTale Brownies:
Founded in 1992, Fairytale Brownies began in a friend's catering kitchen using David's Mom's 50-year-old secret family brownie recipe. Those days are gone as the duo now oversees their direct-mail gourmet brownie business in a facility where they bake over 2.5 million brownies annually. In October 2006, the pair moved their bakery to a new 26,000-square-foot facility needed to accommodate their extraordinary growth.
It began as the simple idea of spreading joy through gourmet brownies. For more than 16 years, we've been devoted to providing an extraordinary product and customer experience.
This season we're delighted to unveil an updated look and new packaging for all of our products. We are also proud to say that every batch of Fairytale Brownies is still baked by hand using our 50-year-old family recipe and all-natural ingredients including rich, dark Callebaut Belgian chocolate, pure creamery butter and farm fresh eggs. With so many new options, we know you'll find the perfect gift to make an unforgettable impression on your family, friends, customers and colleagues.

All-natural Fairytale Brownies are free of trans fats, hydrogenated oils, preservatives and artificial colors. Our brownies are guaranteed fresh upon arrival, and brownie care instructions are included in every gift box. If not indulging within one week, freezing is recommended. Fairytale Brownies are individually wrapped, and thawing takes less than one hour at room temperature.

All Fairytale Brownies products are certified Kosher under the supervision of the Greater Phoenix Vaad Hakashruth.

Nut-Based Brownies
We have 4 flavors of nut-based brownies: Peanut Butter, Pecan, Toffee Crunch, and Walnut.

Sugar Free Brownies
Sugar Free Magic Morsels are bite-size gems that deliver all the luscious chocolate flavor of original Fairytale flavors. We bake our sugar free brownies with Maltitol.

I am sad to say that my brownies are all gone now.....
But I will definately be placing another order VERY VERY SOON!
Fairytale Brownies would make GREAT gifts.
Would you like to WIN some Fairytale Brownies for your MOM (or YOURSELF?)
I have ONE Mother's Day Wishes Medley box to give away.
~includes brownies and soft caramels~

Here's what you need to do:
Visit Fairytale Brownies (www.brownies.com), browse through all their YUMMY creations.
Come back HERE and tell me which is your favorite.
After your first entry, you are free to come back and leave as many comments as you would like.
I figure since this is for Mother's Day then I would let the moms duke it out for the brownies!
hee hee
This giveaway will end tomorrow @ 4:00pm CST and a winner will be announced.

Apr 18, 2009



You know all that stuff around your house just collecting dust?
Ah, come on....
You know what I am talking about.
The stuff that you toss to the side and "SAVE" because you just KNOW that you will use it again someday.
Stuff like those air freshener plug-ins. You keep telling yourself that all you need is a plug in replacement or a new battery and it will work again YET there it sits.....in the same place you put it three months ago.
How about that barbie leg. Surely, one day you are going to find that peg-legged barbie and fix her.
Chewbacca's head....You just KNOW that his body is not too far off.
Oh, and let's not forget the cute white tin. WHO CARES if it has a snowman on it. If you said that you were going to add a little modge podge on it and make it new BY GEORGE you are going to do it.......Now it may take you 6 months but I am sure that you will get around to it.
The list could go on and on and ON.

Well, I am proud to say that I tossed ALL OF THAT STUFF TODAY!
It kind of feels good too.

Happenings around the blog-o-sphere


The ladies over at The Secret is in the Sauce are hosting an auction. All proceeds
will go to MomitForward's charity benefiting Yehu. So, head on over and bid to win! The auction will end tonight @ 7pm.

Hurry....this coupon expires tomorrow.
Click here to print your coupon.


The Fresh Air fund is looking for host homes for this summer.
Click on the banner above for more information.
THE FRESH AIR FUND, an independent, not-for-profit agency, has provided free summer experiences to more than 1.7 million New York City children from low-income communities since 1877. Nearly 10,000 New York City children enjoy free Fresh Air Fund programs annually. In 2008, close to 5,000 children visited volunteer host families in suburbs and small town communities across 13 states from Virginia to Maine and Canada. 3,000 children also attended five Fresh Air camps on a 2,300-acre site in Fishkill, New York. The Fund’s year-round camping program serves an additional 2,000 young people each year.
Pillsbury Spring
What do you have going on this weekend?
Be sure to post it in Mr. Linky !!


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