1. Link with the person who tagged you. (Andrea @ No Time for a Haircut)
2. Copy above images.
3. Post this on any or all of your Blog/s.
4. Answer the two-part questionnaire following these Rules. (Feel free to elaborate your answers.)
5. Share this with at least seven (7) friends on your Blog Roll.
6. Come back to Living A’ La Mode (DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINK PLEASE) and leave the URL of your Post in order for you/your Blog to be added to the Master List.
7. Have Fun!
~ Parenting Style ~
1. Do you exercise full or minimal control over your child’s / children’s behavior?
I lost all control years ago . . .
2. Do you expect your child / children to obey 100% or let her / him / them do what pleases her / him / them?
No, I don't expect them to obey all of the time.
3. Do you welcome discussion or you simply set rules?
We have rules but we also welcome discussion.
4. Do you reprimand? sure, some of the time
5. Do you use spanking for punishment? Yes, we do.
6. Do you use some kind of a reward system for motivation? rewards, candy, money, keys to the car.....If it will motivate them to act decent I am all for it. (not ashamed to admit that either)
7. Do you enjoy being a parent? Ah, you asked at the perfect time....their bedtime! So I am going to have to say YES! Now come back tomorrow around 7:30 ish and I might just have a different answer. (kidding Kidding.....I love my lil rugrats and wouldn't trade them for anything.)
8. Are you a hands-on parent or do you have a full-time nanny? Well, the nanny must have shaked up with that no good personal trainer that was supposed to show up years ago. They never showed so I was forced to go at this by myself. I guess you could say I am "hands on". However, if you know of a nanny that would work cheap (as in FREE) please send her my way.
9. At what age would you let your child make simple decisions for himself / herself?
Oh wow, that was OUR decision?
10. Do you and your husband have the same parenting style?
I would say yes.
~ Wife Style ~
1. How long have you been married?
10 years
2. How do you feel about being a wife?
It's probably better than being the husband. (Bless my hubby!)
3. What has been your typical sleeping attire since you got married?
Oh, I wear lingerie everynight. I also wear those foo foo heels with my lingerie. I am SEX-AY!
bwhahahaha.....yeah he WISHES! I wear t-shirt and panties.
4. How do you show how appreciative you are of your husband?
I don't tell him as often as I should.....I need to work on that.
5. What do you do when your husband annoys you?
I annoy him back. (Hey, you get what ya dish BUDDY!)
6. You are buying or planning to buy your first house as Husband and Wife…
Bought our first home in 2001 and this one 2007
7. How does your house look like at the end of the day when Hubby gets home?
Depends on the day
8. How do you feel about running a household?
It's not what I was meant to do.
9. What is the sweetest gift you have given your husband so far?
Probably a special photo album that I made with our photos and the kids photos.
Now for the tagging part.
Eenie Meenie Minie Moe (never spelled that out before)
I am not going to pick out 7 of you because I have no clue who has done this. Instead, If you would like to participate please see the rules and run with it.