Here they are filling it up (the other lil boy is my neighbor's son)

Look how high the lil man has his shorts.....Silly boy!

The Big girl asked her PawPaw for a net.
SUPER EASY and the kids had fun making them!
You will need:
adhesive magnetic sheets (I found mine at the local dollar store but you can also order them here.)
Old magazines/photos
Crayons/Markers *optional
Just take the photo and apply it to the magnet
Cut your shape out and attach to magnetic surface
For some of our magnets, I applied a piece of paper over the sticky part and allowed the kids to draw a picture and then I cut it out......VOILA homemade magnets!
Here is another homemade magnet idea from MOM!I'm BORED!
We recently had the opportunity to try an amazing game called "Family Talk". I have been hearing about this game for awhile now and was just tickled beyond belief to be able to share this with my family. Our whole family hardly ever gets to sit down together and eat (Dad works late most nights) but when we do sit down to enjoy a meal most of the time we are just tired and exhausted from the day's activities that we just SIT AND EAT (Nothing else).
Leave a comment (any ole comment will do) and you will be entered to win a BASKIN ROBBINS Gift Certificate. How much is this gift certificate worth?
Gina over at UNPINK LIFE has a list of over 15o activities to do this summer. Head over there and grab a few and save them for that day when you hear "MOM, I'M BORED!"
The folks over at Hasbro games has come up with another winner. Jenga GirlTalk is sure to be a hit with your daughter. Just think of all the fun she will have playing this game with her girlfriends. Heck, you may even want to host a sleepover RIGHT AWAY after seeing this game! (haha)
Seriously, Jenga is a great game. It plays pretty much like the original JENGA. You pile the blocks on top of each other and try to lift them without causing a big crash. There is one great new element. Each block has a special question like : "Who is your closest friend"?
The game is for ages 8 and up.
Would you like to win JENGA PINK GIRLTALK for your daughter?
*All you have to do is leave a comment under this post telling me your all time favorite board game.
*For an extra entry all you have to do is either add "My Trendy Tykes" to your blogroll or post about this giveaway on your blog. Just come back and leave a link to your post and you will be entered TWICE.
(Giveaway ends June 23rd @ 12:00am and the winner will be emailed)
PLEASE NOTE: all "ANON" comments without an email addy attached will be deleted.
I MUST HAVE A VALID EMAIL ADDRESS if you want to participate in any giveaway here on My Trendy Tykes.
Pudding Cone cups (courtesy of KidsKuisine)
Stay COOL and have FUN!
(some COOL and REFRESHING recipes coming later today along with GIVEAWAY number 1)
If your children are not reading already then now would be a great time to start a new SUMMER READING tradition!
Log on to BareFoot Books and get started today.
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