Meet Zaki...
"Storytelling Zaki" is a loveable plush “character chameleon”. "Storytelling Zaki" has six (6) fables written into short stories and rhymes starring the Spruce Street Six. Like Zaki in the chapter books, "Storytelling Zaki" has fins on the back which change colors when the kids are in situations where they should stop, slow down and think, or go for it! There is also the Zaki song which describes Zaki’s color changing process. Zaki will include a cartridge slot that will allow the consumer to get new stories, thereby keeping Zaki fresh and extending the product’s lifecycle. The exposure to the different stories and dilemmas in the stories will give more exposure to how proper moral decisions should be made. In addition, the visual aspect of the changing colors will give visual feedback to compliment the auditory feedback.
Zaki arrived at our home last week and we have enjoyed listening to him as he tells his stories. The stories all revolve around making important decisions and it's a great for building your child's character as well as self esteem, even at an early age.
My daughter just turned 4 and she loves listening to Zaki *Mom's will love his cute accent too!
Zaki makes her THINK and I love it. I will ask her questions regarding the story and she will come up with answers that have me in awe. (I mean, I already know that she is the smartest kid on earth but sometimes I still get shocked, ya know? lol)
She also likes to see his tail light up.
(During Zaki's song, he explains what each color represents)
Finally, a toy that teaches our kids values and admirable character traits.
Retail price: $30.00
Recommended for ages 3 and up
Learn more about Zaki by visiting Life'
Life's Building Blocks, Inc., is a privately held company that designs, creates, markets and sells an extensive line of unique products and programs dedicated to helping parents develop morals and character in children in a fun and interactive environment. The smartly packaged products include books, board games, toys and DVD's that are distributed through proven direct marketing techniques that build upon historical data while taking advantage of the current trends in the market place. Founder, Chairman, and CEO, Vikash Sanyal, and his wife Juli, started the company in the summer of 2003 after he spent over 15 years in the golf industry during which he had a major role in launching and managing two successful putter companies. At Life's Building Blocks, Inc., he has assembled an impressive team of experts in the fields of moral and character development as well as individuals who helped create some of the most successful toys and books in the history of the toy industry. The sales and marketing team comprises savvy executives with proven records of success creating and leading brands in the children's education market. The operations executives combine experience in large corporate settings with entrepreneurial understanding.
Zaki arrived at our home last week and we have enjoyed listening to him as he tells his stories. The stories all revolve around making important decisions and it's a great for building your child's character as well as self esteem, even at an early age.
My daughter just turned 4 and she loves listening to Zaki *Mom's will love his cute accent too!
Zaki makes her THINK and I love it. I will ask her questions regarding the story and she will come up with answers that have me in awe. (I mean, I already know that she is the smartest kid on earth but sometimes I still get shocked, ya know? lol)
She also likes to see his tail light up.
(During Zaki's song, he explains what each color represents)
Finally, a toy that teaches our kids values and admirable character traits.
Retail price: $30.00
Recommended for ages 3 and up
Learn more about Zaki by visiting Life'
Life's Building Blocks, Inc., is a privately held company that designs, creates, markets and sells an extensive line of unique products and programs dedicated to helping parents develop morals and character in children in a fun and interactive environment. The smartly packaged products include books, board games, toys and DVD's that are distributed through proven direct marketing techniques that build upon historical data while taking advantage of the current trends in the market place. Founder, Chairman, and CEO, Vikash Sanyal, and his wife Juli, started the company in the summer of 2003 after he spent over 15 years in the golf industry during which he had a major role in launching and managing two successful putter companies. At Life's Building Blocks, Inc., he has assembled an impressive team of experts in the fields of moral and character development as well as individuals who helped create some of the most successful toys and books in the history of the toy industry. The sales and marketing team comprises savvy executives with proven records of success creating and leading brands in the children's education market. The operations executives combine experience in large corporate settings with entrepreneurial understanding.
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