Facts Of Life.....Loved this show! I like Mrs. Garrett better than Beverly Ann and I remember George Clooney before he became Dr. Ross. (Big hair and all) *Ya take the good, Ya take the bad....
Mr. Belvedere....Ahh, Wesley sure got into a lot of mischief!
Rags to Riches....Anyone remember this one? Tisha Campbell was in it.
Growing Pains, of course! I had a crush on Kirk Cameron back then.....also thought Boner was pretty funny. BONE-UH
Just the 10 of us (Spin-off from Growing Pains)....Connie, Cindy, Marie and Wendy, Fun Times!
Perfect Strangers.....Cousin Larry and Balki "The Dance of Joy!" ha!!
Family Matters.....Who could leave out URKEL??
Alf HA! (ok, this seriously makes me laugh OUT LOUD. Why on EARTH or Melmac did I watch this?

Who's the Boss? Hey! Yo!
Saved by the Bell....I had a crush on Zach. Now everytime I see Screech I get creeped out. EWW! (Nasty porno dude turned Celebrity Fit Club drop-out)
Beverly Hills 90210 - The new one just doesn't do anything for me : (
Kate & Allie....Not sure why I liked this one but I did.
Mama's Family.....VINT, Naomi, BUBBA! (I didn't care for the earlier episodes w/Vint's kids. They got on my nerves, especially the whiney girl.)

MEMORIES . . . .
They just don't make 'em like they used to.
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Mr. Belvedere....Ahh, Wesley sure got into a lot of mischief!
Rags to Riches....Anyone remember this one? Tisha Campbell was in it.
Growing Pains, of course! I had a crush on Kirk Cameron back then.....also thought Boner was pretty funny. BONE-UH
Just the 10 of us (Spin-off from Growing Pains)....Connie, Cindy, Marie and Wendy, Fun Times!
Perfect Strangers.....Cousin Larry and Balki "The Dance of Joy!" ha!!
Family Matters.....Who could leave out URKEL??
Alf HA! (ok, this seriously makes me laugh OUT LOUD. Why on EARTH or Melmac did I watch this?

Who's the Boss? Hey! Yo!
Saved by the Bell....I had a crush on Zach. Now everytime I see Screech I get creeped out. EWW! (Nasty porno dude turned Celebrity Fit Club drop-out)
Beverly Hills 90210 - The new one just doesn't do anything for me : (
Kate & Allie....Not sure why I liked this one but I did.
Mama's Family.....VINT, Naomi, BUBBA! (I didn't care for the earlier episodes w/Vint's kids. They got on my nerves, especially the whiney girl.)

MEMORIES . . . .
They just don't make 'em like they used to.
Want more Thursday Thirteen? CLICK HERE
I loved Alf...great list. Happy TT:)
Ah, yes! The 80's. The decade in which I stopped watching television.
I started back this year, though. Thanks for helping fill me in on what I missed.
Happy T-13!
You're making me feel old. By the time these shows were on TV, I wasn't bothering to watch much.
The only one of those we got in England was Kate & Allie, and I used to enjoy that. A very gentle comedy.
I loved Facts of Life! I miss a lot of the older shows.
okay, now I have a bunch of old theme songs stuck in my head!
My kids watch Saved by the Bell now. Weird. It's on the Disney channel, I think.
What a fun list... I love nostalgia.
What a fun list! Brought back some memories. I loved Just teh 10 of Us and also Mama's Family. Still watch the Mama's Family reruns when I see them on tv.
Happy TT!
Thanks for playing and thanks for stopping by to say hi! I loved these shows. What a fun walk down memory lane.
90210 Brrr! I was too old for it the first time but my boyfriend (then husband- now ex) was obsessed, I've seen every single one of those shows!
I loved The Facts Of Life, especially the first few years.
It just so happens that I was a paying member of the ALF Fan Club!!!
i watched a lot of those too. i used to watch saved by the bell every saturday morning and the reruns after school. kate and allie sticks out in my mind but i can't recall what it was actually about. i just remember really liking it. thanks for the list. it's fun to remember the 80's.
I liked Kate and Allie a lot - it's kind of fun to see the actor who played Allie's son playing bad guys on TV lately, lol.
You'll have to stop by The PopArtDiva blog - once a week I post the actual TV Themes from old shows.
My TT is 13 Pieces of Vintage Valentine's Art - oh, and some of my pop art heart art too!
Happy Valentine's and TT!
I liked most of those shows. Although I don't remember Rags to Riches. Perfect Strangers got on my nerves though. I can still sing the Facts of Life song too.
Fun list. Thanks for stopping by mine. Happy TT!
Wow. I remember those. I watched most of them, too. I loved Kate and Allie. (I also loved Mel's Diner.)
Was George Clooney in the Facts of Life show? Missed that. But I remember Blair and Jo and Tudy. I can't remember the other girl's name. I remember what she looked like, but not her name.
LOL I remember all of these!! Yeah! Great list :)
Okay, I must admit, I watched some of these . . . The Facts of Life, Family Matters, and Mama's Family.
Whew! I sure am glad those days are over. LOL
i totally loved just the ten of us. and most all of the shoes you listed! :0) what a fun list
I remember most of those. I'd forgotten them until you said that though.
I think my daughter watched some of those.
Happy TT! Im up with TT#26- A Lil Too Straight?
Now you can find those "stars" on all the "what ever happened to...." shows!
First off, thanks so much for stopping by my blog. Being Saucy has Rocked!
What a great post! I watched most of those shows growing up as well. I had forgotten about The 10 of Us. HAH!
Thanks for reviving the memories!
Where's Silver Spoons and Punky Brewster? LOL
My hubby LOVED Alf - even has a stuffed Alf doll that he hung on to for good times sake. He says it really belonged to his little sister but I know better. Mama's Family was an awesome show. One that I loved that you didn't have was Family Ties - Alex P. Keaton - how can you not love that?
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