I am definately a girly-girl. I love shopping, I love makeup, I love SHOES and I definately love a good manicure.
I also have my very own mini-me. She likes to copy pretty much everything I do which means when she sees me painting my toenails or fingernails she wants her nails done too.
I don't mind painting her toenails every now and again but I keep holding off on the fingernail part. Mainly because I know she still puts her fingers in her mouth a lot and I don't want the nail polish chemicals to be injested.
I don't mind painting her toenails every now and again but I keep holding off on the fingernail part. Mainly because I know she still puts her fingers in her mouth a lot and I don't want the nail polish chemicals to be injested.
Well, the wait is OVER! My little princess now gets her fingernails painted all the time thanks to Piggy Paint!
About Piggy Paint:
Piggy Paint™ is specially formulated from God’s natural ingredients and dries to a hard, durable finish. There are no toxic chemicals; it’s free of formaldehyde, toluene, phthalates, biphenyl A, ethyl acetate and acetone.
Say good-bye to harsh, smelly chemicals and hello to Piggy Paint™…it’s as Natural as Mud!
Why is Piggy Paint™ Nail Polish the safe nail polish choice for children?
* Non-toxic
* Odorless
* Water-based formula
* Hypoallergenic
* Fun, vibrant colors
* Dries to a hard, durable finish
My daughter loves Piggy Paint polish. She loves the fact that she now has her OWN nail polish.
I even let her paint her own toenails the other night. She thought she was a nail pro because after tackling her own toes she decided to do mine. Let's just say .....good thing it is not sandal wearing weather! lol
If you have daughters then you must check out PIGGY PAINT.
There's a wide range of colors to choose from as well as Piggy Paint™ Nail Polish Remover.

* Non-toxic
* Odorless
* Made from natural ingredients
* No Acetone
* Hypoallergenic
* Biodegradable
Put harmful, smelly polish removers behind you with Piggy Paint™ Nail Polish Remover, a remover that works quickly on all polishes, especially Piggy Paint™ Nail Polish.
Would you like to win a Piggy Paint Valentine's Day gift pack?

Gift pack includes these polishes:
Sometimes Sweet
Forever Fancy
Angel Kisses
All wrapped up in a cute gift bag.
I have ONE to give away!!
All you have to do is visit Piggy Paint, browse through the color selections and then come back here and tell me what color your lil one would want to paint her nails with.
1 extra entry for posting this on TWITTER
2 extra entries for blogging about this giveaway on your site
3 extra entries for adding my banner to your blog
Just come back here with links.
This giveaway will end on Tuesday, February 10th and a winner will be notified.
I like Twinkle toes!!
I added your button! http://mom2anutball.blogspot.com/ #1
I grabbed your button! #3
I tweeted! http://twitter.com/mom2anutball/status/1174433180
Ice cream dream for my little kiddie's little piggies!
My daughter would like the Girls Rule! color. Thanks for the giveaway.
My little girl would LOVE Forever Fancy. These are so great!
My fave is Ice Cream Dream!
kissyjensen at gmail dot com
All 3 of my girls would HAVE to paint their nails with Girls Rule!
Thanks for a Great Giveaway :)
Foreve fancy or Mac & Cheese Please! Those are such cool names too! LOVE IT!
The Bella would love "Girls Rule" because it is purple and that is her favorite color. I would love to win this giveaway!
My daugher would love Ice Cream Dream!
I would love to paint my little girl's toes in the Girls Rule! color.
cat at 3kidsandus dot com
I think my daughter would like Forever Fancy. Thanks!
K. C.
i like ice cream dream the best!
My little person would love ANY of the colors! I think she'd pick Forever Fancy, if she had to pick just one.
Thanks for the giveaway!
msanchezmasi (at) fmtcs (dot) com
I like Angel Kisses.
My daughter would love Angel Kisses.
I like the Angel Kisses- soft pink is my favourite.
It would be all about the clouds of candy - blue the whole way for my munchkin!
I live the Girls Rule it is in my fav color
I like Angel Kisses.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Tea party for two is really cute! utgal2004[at]yahoo[dot]com
Definitely Forever Fancy. :)
knittingmomof3 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Your button is on my blog Entry 1
knittingmomof3 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Your button is on my blog Entry 2
knittingmomof3 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Your button is on my blog Entry 3
knittingmomof3 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I like Angel Kisses - however, my granddaughter will like Girls Rule! Thanks for the review of this product. I did not know it existed.
I like the girls rule color. Thanks for the chance.
sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com
My little one would go crazy for the "Ice Cream Dream"! Thanks for a great giveaway :)
Forever Fancy
My little pair of ladies pick Ice Cream Dream and Girl´s Rule, though I think they picked them for the names more than the colors.
Forever Fancy, just the name would work as they are huge fancy nancy fans
I like the ice cream dream!
The Angel Kisses is my favorite. Great giveaway!
Angel kisses would be my favorite but I think my granddaughter would like all of them!! She is a real "girlie girl" and these would be perfect for her.
Angel Kisses is a great color!
I added your banner to my blog #1
I added your banner to my blog #2
I added your button to my banner #3
My lil princess LOVES Clouds of Candy!
Forever Fancy looks lovely! :)
time2buy at charter dot net
A Tea Party for Two is great!!
My girls would love Ice Cream Dream
CLOUDS OF CANDY is a great color! Love it as I know my daughter will. I will now let her polish her nails. Where are the adult colors- will like to see some of them to buy. Will tell all about Piggy Polish.
dragon tears would be my daughters favorite. green is her favorite color.
Girls Rule!
I would love Ice Cream Dream!
I like the Angel Kisses
I am so excited to see an eco/human friendly nail polish option.
i like ice cream dream:) thanks!
My daughter, Kelsy, would love the Tea Party for Two color of blue!
she'd like clouds of candy
even though I like the ghouls gift set lol
thanks for this
Girls rule! for my girl.
Got your button #1 http://justanothernewblog.blogspot.com/
Got your button #2 http://justanothernewblog.blogspot.com/
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My daughter would love Mac-n-cheese Please Piggy Paint! We love to paint our nails in crazy colors! stef4916@gmail.com
I love ice cream dream
I tweeted
my daughter would love the angel kisses :)
This eco girlie-girl looks forward to using your products!!!!!!!!!
This girl nail polish sounds fabulous. I'd love to win this for my little girl...Forever Fancy Thanks priscillawallace at sbcglobal dot net
I'd love to win this for my daughter (only girl we have...+ 5 boys =) so, she needs to win this girly stuff. Forever Fancy top pick for color...Thanks priscillawallace at sbcglobal dot net
great idea now i can paint my daughters nails!!!
My daughter would love Forever Fancy.
My daughter would love Forever Fancy!
gotta go with forever fancy. We are just a bright pink kind of family. I love the whole idea of piggy paint. My 2 year old granddaughter loves to paint nails and it would be so nice to have a safe option for her.
This website is better I loved it hugely
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