Send me your mailing addy :
THANKS EVERYONE! That was fun.
**Update again....We are gonna go on to 100. There were some back to back comments plus I was not here to catch number 55!
I am watching now though.
*I have changed the commenter number. Now we just have to make it to 55!

Send me your mailing addy :
THANKS EVERYONE! That was fun.
**Update again....We are gonna go on to 100. There were some back to back comments plus I was not here to catch number 55!
I am watching now though.
*I have changed the commenter number. Now we just have to make it to 55!

Don't do it!
Don't you dare wait until the last minute to grab a Valentine's Day card for your sweetie.

Oh, you know you have done it before. You totally forget to get a card and you walk into the store only to find a few boxes of conversation hearts, the lonely teddy bear that no one wanted and a few cheesy cards.
Enter this giveaway and you could just walk away with Valentine's Day cards for EVERYONE without even hitting the store!
Everyone loves a little creativity, right?
Hallmark let's you create your own greeting with their recordable Valentine's Day cards.
You can make one up for everyone in the family.
Each card has it's own little recorder inside and all you have to do is press the button, record your saying and sign it.
When your loved one opens it they will hear your greeting followed by a NIFTY tune.
I have recorded special greetings for everyone in my family and my kids are also sending a special card to grandma. She will definately get a kick out of that.
I have Hallmark recordable greeting cards for YOU to give to YOUR special family members.
The winner of this giveaway will win 8 Hallmark greeting cards.
*Shown below

All you have to do is leave me a comment below!
This is a special giveaway and you can enter as many times as you want AS LONG AS YOU POST A VALID COMMENT DIRECTLY AFTER SOMEONE ELSE.
*The comment MUST make sense. Don't just post some Jumbled up mess!
You can not post two times in a row (right after your first comment)
Ya dig?
GOOD....Now go enter !
Giveaway will end when we reach comment number 55 and the cards will be mailed on Saturday to ensure delivery before Valentine's Day.
**The comments are not numbered so I will have to count the hard way.
Feel my pain? lol
Don't you dare wait until the last minute to grab a Valentine's Day card for your sweetie.

Oh, you know you have done it before. You totally forget to get a card and you walk into the store only to find a few boxes of conversation hearts, the lonely teddy bear that no one wanted and a few cheesy cards.
Enter this giveaway and you could just walk away with Valentine's Day cards for EVERYONE without even hitting the store!
Everyone loves a little creativity, right?
Hallmark let's you create your own greeting with their recordable Valentine's Day cards.
You can make one up for everyone in the family.
Each card has it's own little recorder inside and all you have to do is press the button, record your saying and sign it.
When your loved one opens it they will hear your greeting followed by a NIFTY tune.
I have recorded special greetings for everyone in my family and my kids are also sending a special card to grandma. She will definately get a kick out of that.
I have Hallmark recordable greeting cards for YOU to give to YOUR special family members.
The winner of this giveaway will win 8 Hallmark greeting cards.
*Shown below

All you have to do is leave me a comment below!
This is a special giveaway and you can enter as many times as you want AS LONG AS YOU POST A VALID COMMENT DIRECTLY AFTER SOMEONE ELSE.
*The comment MUST make sense. Don't just post some Jumbled up mess!
You can not post two times in a row (right after your first comment)
Ya dig?
GOOD....Now go enter !
Giveaway will end when we reach comment number 55 and the cards will be mailed on Saturday to ensure delivery before Valentine's Day.
**The comments are not numbered so I will have to count the hard way.
Feel my pain? lol
Come on guys....
I will even start it for ya.
I know those "what did you expect to find left on the last day" cards, and don't want them anymore!
Yay! A comment....I was beginning to think no one was out there today. I really want to get these cards shipped tomorrow : )
I want to send a message on one of these cards to my Valentine Hubby of 34yrs..
I would love to send one to hubby for Valentines. I miss him. He's in Iraq & this would surely cheer him up!
Great giveaway. :)
These musical cards are really fun ways to say "I love you"
Aww! That's sweet "Proud Wife"!
I love these cards! They bring a smile no matter what.
Those are cool!
One of those would be good to send with my husband on his business trip. He's flying back home on Valentine's Day.
My son in college could use one as a pick me up
We love the cards with songs. My son can't stop smiling when he gets one in the mail!
I would love to surprise my DH with one
I would give one of the cards to the hubby.
i'd like to win
Thanks for the contest!
I'll keep it going, I would give one of my daughter's a card.
A few more to play...Yeah!
I loved Valetine's day classroom parties, way back wehn I was in grade school.
These cards are beautiful! I'd love to get one and give them!
please enter me!
madamerkf at aol dot com
I would give another Valentine's Day card to my youngest daughter.
I would like to win because we have family that lives far away, so it would be nice to record the voice of our daughter and send some along to loved ones!
I wonder how long your recorded voice would last? months?years? anyone know?
I also like the Valentines Day Full of Smiles photo card!
Is that Bridget from the show "Medium" in the Hallmark Hanna Montana Valentine's Card commercial?
Not sure Patricia....I assume as long as the battery does?
Of course around here that means NOT LONG because my kids are always opening and closing them just to hear the music.
Woohoo, another comment thing for Hallmark cards!
I think I might send one of the photocards for 99 cents... but I wonder how much they charge for sending it!
Trendy I have a Hallmark Christmas card from 2001 that plays a tune when you open it. I packed it with my ornaments and storee it in my unheated attic it still worked last Christmas. My kids are older and opening the card once is enough for them.
you pay only for the card and postage, not bad
oops I accidently used the google/blogger id! It was default and I thought I had put in my typepad account. Sorry! You can delete the comment "veggiemama"
34th post to this Valentine's Hallmark Card giveaway.
These would be so great to give to the grandparents.
Not many more needed now....
I will stop commenting though : )
I sure don't need to win my own giveaway. LOL!
Remember: make sure I have a way to email you once the giveaway is over. If you do not have your email on blogger profile please leave it in comment.
definitely a great gift for grandparents, thats why I want to win them! heacollins (at) gmail (Dot) com
8 more days till Valentine's
I would definitely give one to my hubby!
Getting closer, number 40!
I wonder what my daughter would think of them... she's almost 2. She would probably be amazed to hear her first talking in a card!
60 more posts till there's a winna
they should make it so you can replace the battery, so they can last a really long time!
I agree glutenfree, I think it's a chip though. It would have to be really small, I would think.
I see... you are probably right. Oh, well, perhaps they will last long anyways. I saw a video (from youtube I think) about the Hallmark recordable cards. It was cute.
I tweeted this.. perhaps more people will participate :)
I would love to give one to the kids. I haven't even been to the store to get the cards for their class yet. I better get on that this weekend thanks for reminding me!
They are really nice cards!
I made a photocard to send!
I would send a Valentine's card to my hubby and kids, after all Valentine's is all about the ones you love.
What a great prize.
I could really use something this nifty.
I love live contests.
I haven't bought anything for VDay so this would be a great start.
We're almost there.
I haven't been to Hallmark in a while. I need to correct that.
Happy Valentines Day Everyone!!!
Congrats, Kimberly!
Crap. I just went back and realized that my comments were back to back. Come one people so I can make comments that count.
um, I thought you weren't supposed to comment right after yourself. I think that's not really fair, but oh well :)
well I think you pretty much intended that didn't you?
@Suzanne....Nope....Mine are back to back so they won't count.
Fooey... now who gets to win? :)
@lifeglutenfree I was multitasking and didn't realize no one was over here with me....I'm sure only the first in the sequential ones will count...that's how I would do it anyways.
Ah, I multitask a lot :)
well I guess we shall see...
I love Hallmark cards. Please enter me.
I hope I am 101.
The back to back comments might not count so I'm not really sure what post we are at.
Cool cards! :)
I am on the edge of my seat to see who wins or what she's going to do...
Am I comment 71?
I'm sure they won't count, but I don't know which one this is either. Sorry for messing that up everyone. I shall pay more attention and not get absorbed in my graphics. :)
no biggie Kimberly, hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day
don't worry about it! happy valentines day everyone! I will check back later, hopefully someone won :)
@Patricia I am working Monday through Saturday next week so I'll be exhausted come Valentine's Day. :)
Awe Kimberly,I have to work 4 days next week, I have to stand and walk around all shift. So I her ya, I'll be wiped Saturday myself.
@Patricia I do have the luxury of sitting off and on all day. I had not even thought of Valentine's until today and then I realized that Friday is Friday the 13th.
the hubster loves friday the 13th's he won 2500 on the daily number last year or the year before on Friday the 13th. He always play the daily numbers game on Friday's that fall on the 13th.
I think I'm going to look for some stories to read that revolve around Friday the 13th for next week.
too funny Kimberly. I've heard that some casinos don't have a 13th floor. Hubby says its a lucky day for him.
My grandmother's birthday is the 13th of April and she is always paranoid on the years her birthday is Friday the 13th. LOL
Hey guys....We are going to go on to 100 since the back to back comments.
It's ok, Kimberly!
Plus I was cooking and wasn't able to pay attention to the comment order.
Well.. okay then!!
OK for many years you may have believed from my behaviour that there was no Valentines Day... BUT Surprise there is.... especially when it's free....
I think a collection of myths and loars connected to Firday the 13h will make a great blog posting.
@Military_Mom You are right. That would be a great post.
Kimberly, join me on a hunt of the net and post the best that you find. We can create a linky chain just of for it.
We don't need many more now : )
That is interesting... I think I will buy a lotto ticket on friday the 13th!
How about posts on all of the "scary" ledgends too. sleepy hollow, sasquatch
@Military_Mom That would be a great idea. I'll start looking for some email is allaboutkimberly AT gmail DOT com if you want to email me and see what we come up with.
So what's everyone's plan for Valentine's Day?
We might get take out, will probably be too tired Saturday. Better yet go out for dinner Sunday when it won't be so crowded and the food and service will be better.
The fear of Friday the 13th is called paraskavedekatriaphobia
Kimberly .. I am stamp321 at cfl dot RR dot com
I will start my digging too, and do some old world digging, old Scotland, Germany ect
this is going to be fun to see who wins 100!
It will be fun to see when 100 finally pops up
I am going to research friday the 13th some more for fun.
@Patricia We'll probably exchange cards, gifts on Friday at my house since the youngest will have a party at school and I have to work Saturday.
close :)
I would love to win them too!
getting closer to the valentine's card winner, everybody getting excited?
wooohoo it made it
congratulations Patricia!
I love the cards with music!@
Looks like its over not sure though
Oh, who's counting. I just know it will be me!
well, I thought it was Patricia at least.
glutenfree I don't think I won
Congrats Patricia C.!!!
Thanks everyone, that was fun. We will do another like this soon.
It says we are message 105 as I type this
hmmm, this is confusing because of the extra posts...
Thanks Linda, it was a fun contest and I enjoyed posting, nice peeps on this blog
If you count the posts by Kimberly that were duplicated, then it was Patricia.. If you don't count them, then I don't know who it was...
Okay, congrats!
i have always love valentines as a kid and especially now!
i love the candy hearts,,
My 2 year old loves the musical cards. I'm gonna get him one for Valentine's Day!
I'd give it to my husband, although I'm sure he'd just take it apart and re-use the sound device in one of his art projects. At least he'd be happy.
I am always sending cards. there are so many older people and younger that want to get mail and let them know they are thought about.
I need some cards. Thanks for the giveaway!
this a great giveaway.
i hope i win. i can use it!
We bought a card for my daughter's grandparents to take with them and always be able to listen to their granddaughter's sweet voice speaking words of love when they return home after their stay with us!
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