Apr 30, 2011

Yummy! Chocolate pudding bowls


What a creative way to serve your ice cream. (Chocolate Pudding Bowls
No need to clean your plate, just EAT IT!
via Simple Song

Fun water wall for the kids!

Now this looks like a blast!

My kids would enjoy this for hours and hours...

Fun water wall how-tos over at Let the Children Play

Apr 29, 2011

Outdoor Play Area?

What happened?
My kids used to enjoy going outside and riding their bikes. That's all they wanted to do just last summer. Now? Not so much....I constantly hear "There's nothing to do outside" when I say "Why don't you go out and play?"

Do your kids do the same thing? I have got to come up with some ways to keep them busy and OUT OF MY HOUSE this summer. I thought about transforming the garage (Which really isn't a garage because we never park in there) into some sort of game room area.

We have some friends that offered us an Air Hockey Table. That could be a starter piece. I thought about getting a basketball goal but don't know if I can stand the noise of the ball hitting the ground every few seconds. Of course, there is also the idea of getting one of those ping pong tables. I don't know!! What do you guys think? Do you have an outdoor play space? If so, what do you suggest that will keep them busy?

We do not need a swing set and a trampoline is definitely out of the question. HELLO! My kids are little accidents just waiting to happen. 


Totally Turtles Today


Turtle ice box cookies via Diamonds for Dessert

Cute turtle hair clip via Little Birds Boutique

Oh Me...Oh My! Check out this turtle cake via Hurry Up, Cakes!

Check out this Muffin Tin lunch idea via Our Homeschool Fun

Totally Turtles Today!

Apr 28, 2011

Jem and the Holograms on Hub Network


Remember this cartoon? EEEK! I used to love it : )

It's coming to the Hub Network.

Starting in May, you can catch Jem and The Holograms on The Hub Network. A 6 episode marathon will air on May 28th with regular programming beginning May 31st. 

I am super excited!

Check hubworld.com for more info.

Kool Aid Playdough


My kids are going to love this!!

found via Meet the Dubiens

Gnome Home playhouse *Tutorial

This is just too cute for words...

I want one, darnit! hehe

found via Ohdeedoh

Apr 27, 2011

Creative food ideas for the kiddos

Caterpillar Cupcakes via The Two Savvy Sisters

A pasta nest via Craftymoods

Doodle Rainbow Cake via Sweetapolita

Cute Birthday Party ideas

Monkey See...Monkey Do birthday party idea found via Karas Party Ideas

Campfire Birthday Party found via hauteapplepie

 Little Red Riding Hood party idea found via The Hostess Blog

Gourmet meals delivered straight to your door

How would you like to have meals delivered to your home? Ok, not just ANY meals....How about gourmet meals delivered?

Haha! Some of you are probably thinking...
Heck, I would be happy with chicken nuggets and tater tots as long as it's delivered and I don't have to make it.

I'm going to tell you one thing. I am not that "domestic" when it comes to the kitchen duty. So, meals delivered to my house. I am so there! 
Now, let me throw a few more keywords at ya:

Drooling and ready to open your pocket book now?


How cool would it be to have a personal chef (like) and then have meals delivered straight to your door?


We shall call it diet to your door.

Well, that's exactly what Healthy Chef Creations can do for you!

They offer ALL NATURAL, wholesome, organic, diet friendly meals and deliver them.  

There are plenty of meal options to choose from. Call 1-866-575-2433 for nationwide delivery.

I am pretty sure my family would not protest. Afterall, burnt corn dogs....not very gourmet!!

Be sure to head over to Healthy Chef Creations and see what they can whip up for you.

Apr 26, 2011

GoGo's Crazy Bones ~PARTY~

Everyone loves a good party, right?

We had the opportunity to host a GOGO'S CRAZY BONES party this past weekend and the kids and parents had a blast!

About Gogo's Crazy Bones: 

Gogo's are small colorful characters that come in hundreds of colors and designs, each one with a unique name, design, personality and special ability. Kids of all ages have fun collecting, trading and playing with Gogo's Crazy Bones!

We had been seeing the commercials for awhile now but until our party package arrived, we had no clue as to what to expect. 

GoGo's Crazy bones come packaged together with a mini gogo's crazy bones figure and a sticker.
Each sticker has a number and you match the numbers up with the one's in your Gogo's Crazy Bones collector books. Collect all to become a Gogo's Bones CHAMP (As my kids like to call it). 

You can also trade gogo bones and battle with each other.

About our party:

Decor... We went with BRIGHT and VIBRANT COLORS (Reds, Blues and Yellows)
I hung balloons and added streamers to the doorway as everyone walked through.

I also had the dining room set up as a GOGO'S CRAZY BONES battle area.

Upon arrival, all the party guests received a gogo's crazy bones book with 3 gogo's crazy bones figures/stickers.

We had a few battles and challenges and the winner won NEW Gogo's Crazy bones.

After the challenges were over we had refreshments which consisted of mini cupcakes/oreo stuffed brownies and juice.

Then we ventured outside since it was a nice day.

I had set up a scavenger hunt for the kids to earn MORE Gogo's Crazy Bones.

In the end, I think every kid went home with a good amount of Gogo's Crazy Bones and everyone had a blast!

My kids can't wait to buy more : )

I have a video of our festivities and as soon as I get my video working again, I will add it too.

Special thanks to Child's Play PR for the party packs!
We were not compensated in any other form.

Apr 25, 2011

Creativity for Kids blog

Check it out today!

Apr 23, 2011

Fun with Crayola Pop Art Pixies *Craft Kits


We had a little fun today. Crayola Pop Art Pixies cured our boredom (for a bit anyway).

The kids enjoyed painting their wind chimes and lamp. That lamp is pretty SWEET!

What did YOU do today?

Apr 19, 2011

Flip HD Video Camera giveaway ~Closed~

And the winner is...

Anonymous SuzanneW said...
I would record my kids birthdays. Thanks for the giveaway.
April 22, 2011 6:57 PM

Thanks to everyone that entered!
Suzanne, I will be contacting you shortly.


I have been a Flip user for over a year now and we just recently upgraded to the Flip HD. (LOVE IT!) It's so easy and convenient. I mainly use mine for vlogging and just capturing life's great moments.

Speaking of great moments, did you see this one that I caught on video here recently?
*We are still getting a good laugh out of it.

I recently worked with a company that sent me an awesome Flip Ultra HD 4GB (blue). But like I said, I had already purchase one a few weeks ago. What to do....What to do....Oh, I know. I will GIVE IT AWAY!

Would you like to own a Flip HD?
Here's your chance.

Simply leave me a comment below telling me what you will be recording.

For 2 additional entries, please subscribe to my Youtube channel (thevlogsalotfamily).

For 1 additional entry, Post this giveaway on twitter. Copy and paste the following:  

Win a Flip Ultra HD video camera from @mommytweetsalot http://tinyurl.com/3c9vk25

**Leave additional comments for each task completed. (4) possible entries

That's it!

This giveaway will end on May 3rd @ 10:00 PM CST.

*Good Luck*

Creativity For Kids blog


Go check out today's post on the Creativity For Kids blog.

It's mine!

Apr 18, 2011

Ooey Gooey and Oh So Sweet !

Peeps Smores, anyone?

Apr 17, 2011

RUN & HIT (How NOT to drive a golf cart)

To read the complete story visit My Name is Momma.

Apr 16, 2011

New hairbow tutorials


You can check out the tutorials over at My Name is Momma.

Apr 14, 2011

Youtube's Annoying Orange gets tv series

Ah, I thought this was pretty neat (Even if the orange is REALLY annoying).

Rock on, Youtubers!


How could we forget about Rhett & Link in the McDonalds commercial?

I could go on and on...

Youtube is everywhere!

Apr 12, 2011

Easter Candy Kabobs


A great way to use the leftover candy in easter baskets!!

Easter Candy Kabobs by SunScholars (via My Name is Momma)

National Grilled Cheese day


Will you be celebrating?

Here's some yummy grilled cheese recipes to try today :

Lobster Grilled Cheese (something different for sure) by Hugging The Coast

And here's a grilled cheese without the CHEESE
(Fun April Fools day prank but would make for a great treat today!)

Yum Yum!

Apr 10, 2011

Edible Easter....

You've still got time!

Ok, how clever is this? Bunny Tails easter favors by Eighteen25 posted on The Idea Room

Peeps Smores by Running With Glitter

Creativity For Kids recycled cardboard zoo

Let's see a show of hands...How many times throughout the week do you hear "I'm bored." or "There's nothing to do."? I'm willing to be that each and every one of you would raise your hand. Tell me I'm wrong.
(Ok, don't tell me that!)

I'm about to share some great crafty kits that will have your kids too busy to complain. 

The first one that we worked on together was the Recycled Cardboard Zoo by Creativity For Kids.

I'm going to be honest with you, When I first opened the box I was feeling a little overwhelmed with all the pieces.
However, my fear suddenly turned into relief when I found out how easy each piece was to assemble.


The kit comes with everything you need to create an entire zoo.
(decorative paper, stickers, cardboard animal cut-outs, glue and markers)

Lions and Tigers and Bears OH MY!
The kids thoroughly enjoyed coloring each animal and setting up their zoo HOW THEY WANTED it set up.

I enjoyed watching their creativity flow.

The Recycled Cardboard Zoo is a great project on any day but would really be a  sanity saver (for MOM!) on rainy days. 
The project from start to finish took us approximately 2 hours to complete. The majority of the time was spent being "creative". 

Oh, one more thing that I must note: The box/packaging that the product came in is fully recyclable. It is the base for our zoo and YES, you can color it too!

Here's our zoo...

A fun time indeed!

(A closer look)

Apr 6, 2011

Easter bunny and Carrot hairbow tutorial

Here's another fun hair bow tutorial to try ((EASY!))

A healthy marriage

What's the key to a healthy marriage? Ah, the million dollar question!

If this question was asked to 10 couples, we are bound to receive 10 different answers.

How do you keep your marriage healthy?

Communication is the key for ours.

Have you ever thought about attending a Marriage Max retreat or any retreat for that matter?

Have you attended one? Or something similiar?

We have never attended anything like that but I have always been curious about attending.
Several friends of ours attend them yearly and have nothing but great things to report.

Whether it's attending a Marriage Max retreat or just rekindling your marriage. I do agree that it is very important in maintaining a healthy marriage.

Of course, you don't have to wait until your marriage is at it's breaking point to attend MarriageMax. ANYTIME would be ideal.

So, What do you think?

Apr 3, 2011

Squinkies giveaway!! Squinkies Doos

Sorry guys! I meant to get this one up well before Easter. Wouldn't they be great stuffed inside someone's easter basket? Oh well, They will be great beyond Easter too. Afterall, we are talking about Squinkies here!

Surely everyone knows what Squinkies are by now BUT by chance if there is anyone out there scratching their heads, Click on the video below. I explain more about Squinkies.

Now on to the giveaway....

I've got (3) Squinkies DOOS for one lucky winner.

(exact Squinkies Doos above)

About Squinkies Doos: 
Squinkies now have hair! Start your collection of Squinkies Doos with our Squinkies Squinkies Doos Set - Series 1. Bright, hair 'doos' on tops of their heads add fun hair play to these adorable characters. Each pack includes:

  • 3 Squinkie Doo figures
  • A special brush for combing and 'styling'

These are so stinkin' adorable! My Reagan loves her Squinkies. I know your little one will too : )

Would you like to win the prize pack above?
Retail value: $14.97

Here's what you need to do:

Visit Squinkies.com and browse through the entire collection of Squinkies products and then come back here and let me know which is your favorite.

Extra entries?
(One extra entry for each task completed)

*Follow My Trendy Tykes via Google Friend Connect.

*Subscribe to our NEW family vlog channel on Youtube, thevlogsalotfamily

*Tweet about this giveaway *copy and paste the following 
Squinkies Doos giveaway hosted by @mommytweetsalot (Win 3!)  http://tinyurl.com/3jwxpzy

*Post about this giveaway on your blog or Facebook page *leave link below

Be sure to leave an additional comment for each task completed.

Giveaway ends on Sunday, April 10th

Apr 2, 2011

Wanna WIN 15 hair bows? Easy giveaway : )


Win 15 Boutique style hair bows (assorted colors)! All you have to do is: either tweet, blog or post this video tutorial via Twitter, Blog Site of Facebook.  One link, that's all!

Head over to My Name is Momma for complete details.


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