I would record my kids birthdays. Thanks for the giveaway.
April 22, 2011 6:57 PM
Thanks to everyone that entered! Suzanne, I will be contacting you shortly.
I have been a Flip user for over a year now and we just recently upgraded to the Flip HD. (LOVE IT!) It's so easy and convenient. I mainly use mine for vlogging and just capturing life's great moments.
Speaking of great moments, did you see this one that I caught on video here recently?
*We are still getting a good laugh out of it.
I recently worked with a company that sent me an awesome Flip Ultra HD 4GB (blue). But like I said, I had already purchase one a few weeks ago. What to do....What to do....Oh, I know. I will GIVE IT AWAY!
Would you like to own a Flip HD?
Here's your chance.
Simply leave me a comment below telling me what you will be recording.
For 2 additional entries, please subscribe to my Youtube channel (thevlogsalotfamily).
For 1 additional entry, Post this giveaway on twitter. Copy and paste the following:
Win a Flip Ultra HD video camera from @mommytweetsalot http://tinyurl.com/3c9vk25
**Leave additional comments for each task completed. (4) possible entries
as for what i'lll do with the camera - documenting the recording of my bands new album. think the stones' exile on main street - studio sessions and behind the scenes with family and friends!
If I won, I would definitely be recording my son's upcoming 4th b-day, him riding his little 4-wheeler around the yard, my baby sister playing with her older-then-her nephew, and summer car-rides/picnic with my man and little guy!
Thanks for the chance. bekki1820cb at gmail dot com
I want a Flip HD Video soooo bad! My 4th little one is coming this Summer and you know babies are just one of those things you gotta capture, but I've always wanted to vlog and it will help me do that too! Not to mention capture crazy funny things like my kiddos riding golf carts into Jeeps. ;) {Is that enough reasons? ^_^}
I would be capturing my 1 year old and 2 year old, always in motion. Right now we're Potty Training the 2 year old and teaching him how to hit a baseball with a bat... fun video opportunities, and my daughter is starting to figure out walking, she's just going around the furniture, but soon enough she'll take that first step and it would be awesome to catch it on a Flip :).
I would record moments with my 1 month old son,my Kodak Zi8 broke last spring during a wedding and i've wanted a Flip for awhile. christina.brundick at gmail dot com
I'll be recording my two little grandsons. They grow up so fast I want to catch all the cute things they do. Thanks for the giveaway! eswright18 at gmail dot com
I would be recording my husband's granny as she is in her 90's. I would like to have something for him to look back on. I would also like to to record my nieces and nephew playing around so i can show them how cute they were when they get older. :-)
I would record my kids of course, but I would also record my upcoming Ragnar Relay. It is such a fun team event and to have video would be tons of fun!
Just like what you record! We have a three year old little boy and a one year old little girl in the house and it's always fun to record their milestones while growing up and the mischievousness they do everyday. I must know as I have tons and tons of pictures of them in my hard drive!
It would be great to win this giveaway and have moving pictures of them which I'm sure they'll enjoy watching and reviewing when they grow up! :)
I would be recording my poodle goin to town on some toys, and most likely some insane stuntz on a dirt bike. Also some snowboarding footage, plus some do it yourself videos on how to build a deck.
I would LOVE to win your Flip HD Video Camera because I am an aspiring Dancer. It would be amazing to be able to record all the materials when I go to LA from june to september to train with the industry! I can't afford to buy my own and was only thinking about using my laptop but this is a much more amazing oppurtunity! My parents don't support my dream to become a dancer so they don't support me..but I'm still going strong im planning on sleeping on the living room floor just to pursue my dream and being able to record the classes i take will be worth while. It would also be great because i love making videos with my friends to cheer people up! Thank you! I subscribed to your youtube btw :]
If I were lucky enough to win, I would be taking tons of video of our new Grandson, Cameron. He is doing new and exciting things every day. I had forgotten how amazing babies are!
What i would really like to record is my life. Kind of like a video diary so i could show my kids how my life was like when i was a teenager and what not. Maybe I'd start a youtube channel and start daily vlogging which is what i would love to do sometime in my life! Hope I win! I'd really love it if i won!
I would record everything I could. I always see crazy things going on I would like to record and don’t have a camera on me! I could carry this around in my pocket!
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