Oct 7, 2008

Sesame Street and K'NEX

Sunny Days....Sweepin' the clouds away.....

Yep, I was a BIG TIME SESAME STREET watcher when I was little. I loved them all : Big Bird, Elmo, Snuffy, The Count and yes even Good ol' Oscar the Grouch!

Sesame Street was definately a big part of my childhood. I learned so many things just from watching an hour a day. Heck, that's where I learned to count (1-10) in Spanish.

(Thanks Sesame Street!) hee hee

I am glad to see that Sesame Street is still going strong. My kids are able to watch it now and learn just like I did as a kid.

When we received the NEW K'NEX Sesame Street Building set we were just beyond excited.

I could not even open the package quick enough for my lil ones.

They were building up Oscar the Grouch and laughing at all the different ways he could be posed.

Have you seen these new building sets from K'NEX? OH, you must run to your local department store and pick one up. They have a wide selection of characters to choose from and each set is completely different. What's even better? The prices start at just $10.99!
They may just bring back some childhood memories for you too.



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